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Everything posted by Zeusgg

  1. I was running through the fields north-west of Stary towards the deer stands with a couple of my squad buddies, all of the sudden 2-3 snipers open fire on us from the northern tree line dropping one. Me and the other survivor sprint southwest all the way to the tree line to safety dodging shots the entire way. After we clear a small hill with trees we both turn around and search for them in the treeline. Not more than 30seconds later the server shuts down and when we leave to find it in the list we see that it's locked with around 5-6 people in it. The server stayed locked for around 5 minutes before it goes back to open. When we log back in my buddies corpse was gone and they are nowhere to be seen for the 20minutes that we still camped and searched for them. Not saying this is 100% cheating or admin-related, but it all seemed very fishy and the fact that we couldn't finish the fight sort of ruined the night for us.
  2. Zeusgg

    US79 TX3 suspected cheating.

    Does "Battleye Extended Controls" shut down the server when it's flooded? If not then this is not the case.