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Dub Impact

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Everything posted by Dub Impact

  1. u cant count seven the night before
  2. There were forest near by we were taking cover in
  3. how did all 7 of u get NVG's and range finders in the matter of 3 hours?
  4. We are all moving around behind cover doing every thing to take cover
  5. How does he 1 hit every 1 with a l85?
  6. How the hell does he rack up 24 kills when its almost a 5 verse 1 in almost every situation
  7. For starters how does purpule always seem to know where we are he tracks us to the very foot step.
  8. Iv been tracking the entire group and the incedents. All the evidence pointed at your team.
  9. What i see here is an utter lie to what had happened.
  10. Dub Impact

    Looking for a squad

    Check our Clan out at http://zombiehords.webs.com/
  11. Dub Impact

    Add Fishing?

    Fishing would be good but i dont know if they could do it.
  12. Dub Impact

    Best way to find Heli Crashes?

    Yeah the Zed or Zombie (which ever you like most) spawn time is currently insanly high adn can spawn right on you. Most times wehn i get to a crashed heli i take out as many silently then me and a partner open fireo n rest and serch fast before players or zomibes see or hear us.
  13. Dub Impact


    Get a peice of paper and a pen and right dwon the time it says it restarts and figure out timezone's, easy way to do it.
  14. Dub Impact

    appropriate mouse controls

    I use the default mouse settings and im moving faster than i wouldl iek to with the mosue i think this might be a bug with your mouse/other thing than the game. On newer gaming mouses (if you have one) you can turn the sensitivity of the mosue up on the mouse as well.
  15. Dub Impact

    Make Hatchet more readily available as weapon

    Another thing not ahving to reload the hatchet.
  16. Dub Impact


    Bringing out a point. This is an endless game and i want it to stay that way :P
  17. Dub Impact

    Police cars.

    A very rare car to hunt for that has good loot and a repairible car that would be awsome.
  18. Dub Impact

    The ultimate answer to Banditry

    I see all the PK's swarm already
  19. Dub Impact


    I have to agree on that one.... Altho if i got my hands on those codes they would never leave my side and i would make a nuke free map :P
  20. Dub Impact

    spawning with friends

    I see ups and downs to this such as stated before gorups of bandits spawning together and uterly butthurting any one near by. The ups are sapwning with friends obviusly and not running across the map to each other. But i have also found if you dont like weher you haev spawned and want to be closer to them hit exit and respawn it will kill you and you get a new spawn point. All tho i almost would say thats unfair too.
  21. Dub Impact

    [CAR Suggestion] DayZ Elantra

    I find some of these things to a disadvatage such as the spikes on the plow what if a zombie got stuck on it? Take the spikes off would be better. As well as the spikes if you hit something going at like 40-60 MPH would either spin you out or take the spike off. As well as a zombie getting under it and popping a tire.
  22. Dub Impact

    Reviving a dead person

    It would be cool if there was a item such as a defibulator in the game wtich allows you to revive some one who has recintly died. There would have to be a few things going on tho for the revive to work. Such as 1.) They can only be dead for say 10 minutes before it wont work any more 2.)They cant have been killed by zombies 3.)The person being revived has to accept (This is for the reason some one doesn't PK and then revive that person again to kill them as second time) 4.)If the person had already respawned it wont work on them 5.) If they were killed by a head shot they cant be revived And after they are up they will have around 10,000-8,000 blood and be unconsice for like 30 seconds. The Defibulator would take say 2-3 slots in your main inventory or secondary one. They would be a rare find and only found in a hospital area.
  23. Dub Impact

    Reviving a dead person

    Anything to make it more fair and maby something that they would put in the game
  24. Dub Impact

    Reviving a dead person

    Yes i totaly agree with you, no argumetn there.
  25. Dub Impact


    I dont even know what to think of this.....