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Everything posted by zachary

  1. zachary


    +1 Nah nah na na na na na FISHING!!! FISHING!!! ^Sing as Homer^
  2. zachary

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Woo! Infected hotfixes! Just what I needed!
  3. zachary

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Now they see based on eye direction, id love a melee attack where you could sneak up behind and club them in the back of the head.
  4. zachary

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Check this post every hour, im so excited for it!!!
  5. NO I like having a gun to defend myself against players. Id be annoyed if I was sneaking i about and someone shot at me and I could do nothing except lose my progress for a few beans. If this IS implimented id like a way for 'stalkers' to easily identify who is weaponless and decide to let them pass because they dont have anything worth killing for. Perhaps a new skin until you start collecting stuff or your player has existed for X amount of hours? But is there a way to test it without ruining the game for X amount of days if it turns out bad?
  6. My top Three Bugs 1. Zombies glitching through doors 2. Zombies knowing your exact location all the time even when out of sight. 3. Zombies seeing / hearing you walking inside of buildings too easily
  7. zachary

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Sounds like the best update I've heard all month!!! Wooooo!
  8. Zombie spawns are buggy at the moment and they do appear in front of you. Wait for it to be fixed.the static dead soldiers are models placed into the map, and yes it would increase server load because it would require all these bodies to be dynamically referenced as well as it being annoying.
  9. Amazing idea! filled out and forwarded to all my friends
  10. zachary

    My Good Suggestions List and discussion.

    Very good points, highlights key problems for the game I hope the next update is about fixes and not new additions.
  11. zachary

    Change how zombies are spawned

    Totally agree. Should be able to clear out a town
  12. zachary

    THE Firewood thread

    Matches should have limited use, forcing players to light only when they need to, and possibly share with others.
  13. Good to see our experiences are being listened to, this is the most important part. Will be posting mine later. Great team.
  14. Im hoping its fixed, good idea and has been menctioned before, if you clear out the town either on purpose or in defense you should get your rewards, not prepare for the second wave!
  15. zachary

    Suggestion: fine tune new zed behaviors

    Finally someone else who realised zombies should investigate the SOURCE of guess shots and go to approximately where it was, if the player has quietly moved by the time they arrive then they just go into alert stage and look for the players, perhaps making people laid down in the grass more visible or people laying down on roads.
  16. zachary

    Crazy Zombie Spawns

    What he said. Game needs to know a town is clear, spawn a few ambient ones and then leave it until the players have gone and when no one else is around 10 minutes later, fill it up again.
  17. zachary

    THE Firewood thread

  18. Well, with temperature forcing people to disconnect when it rains and having to carry wood when the essentials are all around us is daft. Whats next? If rocket Is wanting a realistic anti game then whenever you break your leg ingamr you should have to sit inside for a month? Beg for a person to come bring you painkillers because you can't walk? No. Its a game and people want to play it, don't abuse them by making daft changes such as needing wood. Your character in dayz is a genius, he can fix helicopters and operate everything he comes across, you wouldn't make a change where you had to sit for hours waiting for your characterto read the instruction manual for a chopped before you could fly off would you? Stop crippling people who want to enjoy the game. The world is harsh enough, I don't want to be avoiding places because "it looks cold" or that I have no firewood. On the subject of fires, I don't see no wood, there is a ring of rocks, why don't I have to collect rocks too?
  19. I can see this being a bad thing if it plays out where people can survive bandit attacks, zombies but keep getting colds. I think if anything temperature should just make you shiver and make aiming.off. But we will see I guess. I know I'd be annoyed if I was battling a cols more than I was zombies
  20. zachary

    Chickens & Eggs

    Seeing as Chernarus has chicken coops in gardens, i believe you should be able to gut the chickens (if you cant already, havent managed to try this yet - can someone confirm?) but also they should have eggs scattered around outside the coops that you can eat raw or cook. Obviously cooked eggs should give more blood, same with steaks. I've only seen a few chickens, but it would be nice to have more about, plus it gives people the chance who dont have a knife to at least get some eggs. What do you think?
  21. zachary

    Chickens & Eggs

    You can cook a fried egg on a flat rock, heck who cares. Its a item that would make for a good scavenge
  22. zachary

    Chickens & Eggs

    I dont think it should need utensils, after all a steak doesnt.
  23. zachary

    Do *NOT* Spam Connections

    Thank you Mojo for your post, you've confirmed the issue I've tried to tell users about, they don't seem to listen tho... I would like a server that if you disconnect and reconnect so many times in say 5 minutes that it will ban you for 15 minutes to try and give other patient users a chance!
  24. zachary

    Melee Weapon Petition

    There needs to be a way to push a zombie back with a gun, taking no damage, just to buy you some time. This includes a gun butt to the head or a sweeping.motion with the gun. It should either push them back or knock them down. Allowing you time to aim or run. On the subject of running, I think you should be able to climb drainpipes and get up on roofs while zombies surround the house. They will not leave until someone comes to help or you make a dash in a direction they are not looking in.
  25. zachary

    Stuck in Unconscious State after Dying

    My brother is also stuck in this state and I'm yet to find and kill him. Can you reset player data for him? His ingame user is either Wayne or MonkeyWayne. If you need SteamID please pm me. Date/Time: 15/05/2012 around 11pm GMT Servers: various, to try and fix issue somehow. Most likely a Chicago 4,6,7. Virginia server, EU 11. What Happened: chased by zombies, fell down and unconscious from lack of blood and died when zombies ate me. Where you were: Shakova/Waxoba on the main road heading north. Current installed version: 1.5.7 System Specs: i7 3930k, 32gb Ram, GTX 580