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Everything posted by Xist3nce

  1. Ok... THG... I see your point about playstyles, but this doesn't discourage any type of playstyle (well for decent players), In the current DayZ universe, one well placed man can take out a group of five easily, those mechanics never change, just the situation occurring afterward does, for survivors, injuries would have to be managed, and fast if the bandit were to be still approaching. Now here is an extremely touchy point to people, the amount of murder, and the amount of teamwork ratios will most likely not change, because well, it's the current mode of play that everyone has been accustomed with. Some people would like to think rational thought is always involved, yeah It would be fantastic for players to have to act as they would, but the main point still remains, this would be breaking core game values, aswell as being nearly impossible for anyone just here to play around. Personally I'm not sure where you saw the encroachment on playstyles anywhere in that OP, but I could be wrong. The short of what I'm saying is that... 1: There should be No change of current core gameplay PVE,PVP shouldn't change. (punishment for playstyles as you all say) 2. Any decent Lone wolf bandits out there can handle a challenge, I've seen one man destroy a clan and one of my own personal snipers. (we walked up on the conflict) 3. The added mechanics Encourage some extra teamwork, definitely not required, and still doesn't change anyone's attitude towards PVP or true lone wolves. 4. I just had the urge to buy a kitten. Should probably get that checked, (completely unrelated bullet point) Also, like the class idea except that would be a true change of core gameplay, and would more solidly define players to what they did, currently it's a grey area. Personally I think it would be received well by most of the player base, except the die hard classic alphas. Imo, It could be fun and a new take on DayZ, or a disaster among some of the more simulation based thinkers of the community. The skin idea is completely agreeable, customization is what most people agree, but then there'd be optimization or one type. Respect brosef, you got da' beans. :D As is this would increase very little in either direction, just the players that tend not to handle zombies easily would group more, true lone wolves have no intention of needing anyone's help, hence the name lone wolf. Now to the payer names... I see where you are going with it, considering every time I turn around I have to study my own snipers to make sure they're mine, had a few almost alliance crushing moments, but proper communication fixed it before anyone got a heavy round in their skull, but the problem being is because it makes pvp a bit more easy considering you don't have to wait to identify targets anymore, just catch part of a name, know it's no yours, and pull the trigger. I think the level of unknown in DayZ is one of it's most important qualities, personally I believe it wouldn't help a medic like me out, but bloodthirsty bandits would enjoy knowing they're team. :D Respect nonetheless.
  2. Xist3nce

    [VIDEO] How to give somebody a heart attack

    Was not expecting that XD you guys earned a sub this day.
  3. Xist3nce

    Hidden Basements

    ^This Guy^ The engine is extremely fragile, but as the buzz is about DayZ becoming standalone, may make rocket actually do it, which in that case, the engines stability issues are null. No one knows how long that would take, considering a total overhaul of all code would be needed, in any case.
  4. Xist3nce

    Hidden Basements

    Hmm... I was thinking a hidden military bunker with multiple entrances, under a field, and it being quite dark and Zed infested, with moderate loot, and close walls, and tight corners to encourage shotgun fighting for Pvpers, and discourage camping there due to grenades and traps.
  5. Well great :D glad I joined the forums finally, and hopefully we don't meet under medical conditions, oh and because my spotters have been twitchy lately, almost killed a defenseless guy because he was trying to salute me XD
  6. I couldn't agree any more than I do right now, on anything, harder than I can on this thread. You sir have my beans, and my support. Thinking of making a signature for this thread, couldn't think of any pictures though so it would be limited at best. but it is 3:30 Am here, so I will work on getting this more support. Now my opinion: I've seen a few people just thinking that adding a few extra cooperative elements will change the game entirely. The answer is the community isn't as fragile and easily shaped. With each new player comes a new personality, new morals, and new ideas. In this alpha stage everyone knows there will be drastic changes in gameplay, most people respect that, some would rather keep DayZ's simple roots, which in many ways is insanely fun, but as rocket said, It is more of a simulation than a game, even though he knows what it has become, a true zombie apocalypse game with raving fans, die hard fighters, and those out to save the world. Like any game community, especially those of the FPS genre, have the "everything will die" players aswell as the more mild players, but as many many many many(x16)... people have said the trust between players is at an all time low, there is little to no interaction, most people just destroy anyone dumb enough to poke their heads out to try to form alliances. I see no problem with the fact that it is hard to find trustworthy allies, but I mean really, in a post apocalyptic world, whats better than having to pick interactions, calculating consequences, and even reward? With all of these new additions it would help all aspects of gameplay, larger survivor groups, larger bandit groups, zombies with an AI that can't just be easily waived off, and the fact that everything is still available as a lone wolf, but with less of a bonus, just encourages the true "lone wolves" to play harder, smarter, and safer. I mean truly you get your legs broken out in the field and have to mend yourself, it'd be a pain, especially trying to find a place to stay until your up and moving again, but that would be the massive intensity that comes from this. Just imagine the boom of medical players being able to be more than just suppliers when needed, as of now most medics just drop supplies for people. They could have a true purpose now besides med delivery. It encourages even lone bandits needing certain medical procedures needed to be done by another player (for efficiency) to request or even force others to help them out. It opens avenues for everything. The only thing really missing is a free market currency system, but player ran, has no purpose, therefore useless. As a medic/sniper myself, I tend to have my team target a player before I approach to give a warning/consequence for attacking the guy trying to help you. By the time I'm close enough to chat normally I'm spotted or heard, but the warning usually is adhered to, if not it takes 1/4 of a second for my spotter to see an attack coming, by the first shot fired 2 more ring out afterward. Only had to kill 2 people ever. Hopefully all this gets implemented, may make a medics job easier, reduce the need for double over watch. GL hope this gets implemented :D