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About Xist3nce

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Cherno - hiding in the corner.
  • Interests
    Providing support to anyone I meet.

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  • Bio
    I'm primarily a medic, driver, and pilot. I also trade resources, you won't catch me on any usual DayZ servers, but I'm around rarely, Normally have sniper support of my own though, it helps when walking up on an injured person to yell HEY before you move, think about the fact I have 2 NVG using snipers pointed at your head, I have nothing to lose, but do you? I'm friendly is normally the last thing said.
  1. Xist3nce

    My DayZ Adventure for the day.

    Ok guys.. calm down, this guy is obviously the best player in the world, don't hate on him because he's so awesome. Combat logging is the best way to fight! Especially if you lack the skills to fight a specific opponent, why not hop behind him and cap him. OP, you should be awarded, because that was amazing, great job avoiding conflict, it truly makes you the greatest player here ^_^ You are my Idol, You are now officially the king of bandits! The great thing about having no honor is that you don't have to answer to anyone, because they already expect you to cower out. Keep being awesome OP, don't stop the amazingness here, this is what the mod is about; Server hopping to get the drop on your opponents! /endsarcasm If your going to be a spineless type of bandit, at least own up to the weakness, take your death like a man, eventually you will get better, and be able to fight. For now though I recommend getting some actual ability, and try to kill someone by skill. What's funny is I have no problems with the Hardcore "Keell errythang ohn siite!!!!" Bandits, nor the "Hey PVP is bad!" Survivors, but you are a special breed of coward that makes me laugh.
  2. My Major Issue with this comment is the fact that DayZ isn't a mod for casual gamers, you have to put in some work and time to get everything, even in this moment in time, some players can run up and grab some mid level guns quickly, but lose them in just the same time. DayZ being a simulator as it is, is meant to be as engaging as possible, casual gamers are playing to get through an hour or 2 out of a day without being bored, more hardcore players play to feel the experience of surviving, bettering your fellow man, being the best at what you do. "HellZ" As you described it, would make being great at this mod, much harder to do alone, and therefore more fun for those who enjoy a challenge, Such as I am.
  3. This doesn't seem like an attack on the CQF, it looks more like Dan reporting that he was kicked because the admin sided with a CQF member, not saying the CQF as a whole is directly at fault. Just an observation here...
  4. I think it would change to feel of DayZ, maybe some variation in zombie but no really special ones, no real mutation would cause bio-combustion, medically anyway. Edit: Just wake up and posted randomly, this sounds off.
  5. Xist3nce

    DE 373 - I saw a wizard - Picture

    This Is exactly what I was looking for, but the story was ok too XD.
  6. Is it just me, or is it Some vicarious force pushing me to learn more about this massive tactical bloodshed. Dan, you are commended for your detailed regalement, and CQF, thankfully no rage posts, nor bad blood. It's almost enticing enough to want to join the fray, to be in the heat of battle, analyzing the opponent, braving the wilderness, ambushes, and more. Sadly almost is as far as this feeling goes, as to the fact that I'm a peaceful medic for now, and with each changing life, I start anew.
  7. Xist3nce

    Kickstarter for stand alone ?

    Kickstarter is an easy, inexpensive, and fast way to get the funds needed to produce a standalone DayZ. With that I approve.
  8. This is how DayZ was meant to be played, warring groups, espionage, and all that's missing is the ability to effectively control an area without an army. Kudos guys, immersion has been reached. Thinking about joining those servers just to see some action. Don't truly condone attacking a neutral survivor faction, but bandits need gear too I guess XD
  9. People people chill, this is just a little kid shooting the newly spawned because if they had any weapons he wouldn't be able to kill them. It's a simple defense mechanism, if you can't handle a new player with a gun, kill em when they spawn. It's human nature to try to give ones self a false sense of confidence if none is present, because if not morale drops and depression sets in. So let him feel as though he is "teh Pr0 l33test Snip3r in teh wurld", because he poses no threat to you or anyone that has the mental capacity to read and comprehend the words I have typed here.
  10. I make it a point not to drop anyone that hasn't taken a shot or a swing. Even if he's spouting britishy (now a word) Gibberish. Especially not snort XD been a sub for a bit, I'd be more like O.O wanna go has an adventures? XD (the grammar is how I want it there)
  11. Almost exactly what I was also thinking, there are limited ways to heal currently, but the issue being is the realism factor rocket is shooting for, nothing in a first aid kit will actually heal anyone, it's made to stop simple wounds from getting worse and to disinfect. Which is great but the uses would be minimal.
  12. Would be interesting, but the community wouldn't enjoy it because most want to be able to fully recover from any issue alone, as to not affect any "lone wolves". Personally I think true "lone wolves" shouldn't have a problem with making the game much harder. Just means they have to be better at what they do, and it makes the hunt just that more enjoyable.
  13. Partially true, but on morphine you'd be able to still run, even with the splint on, but when the effect wears off you would have to walk, I could see that being feasible? most people keep a stock of morphine, or that could be just me.
  14. This is one of the better examples of the community murdering eachother, I personally would join the underground arena, I think it would be fun to battle random people in an arena. I'm normally a friendly medic, I think they could rally more players by just saying they were going to a gladiator arena, personally I'd hop on the bus, but then again, I do run around the wasteland giving people stuff, so theres a good chance I'm insane.
  15. The zombies are pretty useless at the moment, they get in the way of a few things, but I've never been killed by a Zed without human intervention.