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About Rgman

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  1. I can confirm this that daniel (might not be same guy) was also spotted on one of our old servers doing the exact same things. The server is down now though.
  2. Rgman

    Graphical Issues

    FIX FOR SOME Now this has workid for me and a few others, but if you go into video settings then go to advanced then change video memory to high it should be cleared up. Also if you are already on high try very high or go to very low then back to high Happy playing
  3. Thank you for the feedback I will ask my friend if he is interested. You seem to have a good system going. Thank you also I will have a look at your thread too.
  4. Hello all Dayz Players My friend and I are looking for a clan. Now we are not the most serious players in the world. Lets just say we like to have fun with the task at hand. We will not fool around in-game (for instance killing teamates), but we will be joyfull in skype/chat. That's also what we would expect from anyone else in the team. Age:I am 15 and my friend 17 Location: I am located in Florida and My friend is in Arizona Expectations: Not a very serious group, but still based on teamwork Also A clan server is not needed we just don't want to be one of the hundred people in the clan so aroun 10-20 people would be great. Also it is not needed to provide us with supplies, but a helping hand once and a while would be greatly appreciated. Contact me on steam @ rgman1234321 and we can talk. Thanks Rgman
  5. Rgman

    Worst Way You Ever Died

    Whilst Sliding down a mountain telling my friend that decided to take a safer/longer route how much fun I was having suddenly just took a leap of faith and ended with around 2000 health to just be shot as soon as I got up by some dude camping on the top of the mountain with tents (that my buddy found on his longer route...) Yea all round fail for me
  6. Rgman

    New'ish player looking for a group

    There are 37 page's with the name shaft haha so i decided to come here. Hey i'm rg i'm 15 years of age. I have been playing for a bit and have a partner, but I just want to know where you are located in the world? Also my partner and I are located north of electro. About a 20 min run are you able to do that?
  7. Rgman

    NEW CLAN [Shinra]

    Ok I am in america atm so I don't believe we will find the same servers. My connection is not the best ever :(
  8. Rgman

    NEW CLAN [Shinra]

    Question: -Where is the bulk of the clan located (What country/state)? - What age group is the group normaly - Can I see if my bud wants to join and get back to you