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Deadlock Drop

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About Deadlock Drop

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  • Skype

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Overland Park
  • Interests
    I love hunting, driving, and hanging out with the guys.

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  • Bio
    Carne Diem
  1. I know this sounds stupid but does anyone in DayZ try and help each other or does everybody shoot first ask questions later. I used to see people and we could walk away but now people are just trying to kill me and I get that is a survival strategy but seriously. Is it just me or does anyone else try and help out other survivors and most of the time I either am ignored and shot or stabbed in the back... now I feel like I have to shoot anybody I don't know just to live anyone else feel like that's total shit? Or am I the only one who plays with humanity? Just wondering.
  2. Deadlock Drop


    Ya man I'll take just about anyone, you sound mature enough I'll add you on Skype and just message me if you want to play sometime. Should be fun.
  3. Deadlock Drop

    1st or 3rd

    Hey I know this sounds weird but I was just wondering is it more normal to play DayZ in 1st or 3rd person, and is it easier to play it in 1st or 3rd. I can't really make up my mind and just wanted to see what everyone else did or maybe some pros and cons of each. Thanks for any responses.
  4. I love this idea and would love to see it work but my only question is what happens when you get hit with a raiding party or 4 or 5 guys with automatic weapons and you get over run? I think it would be a great idea and would benefit everyone but the only thing is protection. I'm all for it though and if you need any help just contact me, I'll help in any way I can.
  5. Deadlock Drop


    Hey I know lots of people do this in search of people to help them but I thought it might be a good idea cause I'm tired of constantly depending on myself and not having any help. I was wondering if I few people might want to stay on 1 server or very few servers with me and maybe do a little teamwork, nothing to serious or committed just survivors trying to stick together to survive. Maybe even set up a respectable camp and get some good gear. Just post send me an friend request on Skype if your interested. And a thank you in advance to anyone who wants to stick together in this shit part of Russia. My Skype name is phlutdroid.
  6. Deadlock Drop

    Self Transfusions

    I didn't know that cow meat or any meat gave that much blood back! Thanks for the information I guess it is just a little more difficult but if it gives that much blood back I just need to get some matches (which are easy to find) and then wood (even easier)... but where can I usually find cows or any wild game, and don't just say the wilderness please.
  7. Deadlock Drop

    Self Transfusions

    Hey guys is this just me or does it seem like if your a lone wolf (out of personal preference or just don't have anyone to play with) and lost some blood that its EXTREMELY hard to get it back, I mean I know that I can eat meat and canned foods to get some back but that's never enough... its more like a nice and sensible bonus. I feel like if I have a bag full of blood that I don't need someone else to help me do it. I understand they want team work but it is hard to find in game help and I don't have a ton of friends who PC game. Maybe they could change this to you could do it yourself and get less blood than with a partner and or maybe they could have a new item that takes some blood lets say 2000 from one player and gives it to another. I was just wondering because it is frustrating for me and wanted to know some other people opinions.
  8. Deadlock Drop

    Deer Stands

    Hey I feel like I'm starting to finally get used to this game but I still have one MAJOR question, what does the deer stand do or have in it? I really dont want to trek all the way out there just to find nothing and starve or get killed but I'm really curious. Just wondering if anyone could help me out and tell me why they are there and maybe even whats in them, thank you.
  9. Deadlock Drop

    Night Survival

    Thanks for the help guys its been frustrating but all these tips have helped and now I can finally play when DayZ when I usually play other games... in the dead of night
  10. Deadlock Drop

    Night Survival

    Hey I'm fairly new to DayZ so I don't have much experience and I have mostly been playing during the day because when I get on at night I can barely see and I find it difficult to survive and find supplies or just to get in and out of a building. My friend told me just to move to a euro server but that doesn't seem very fun and can cause some annoying lag. Can anyone give me any tips and I mean ANY tips on how to survive better at night, thank you.