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Posts posted by Bunty_Collocks

  1. Bunty_Collocks' date='

    I don't know if I should take that seriously or not, I didn't ask for details on peoples sexuality as a requirement to join up.

    4000 Z's killed you must be camped (no pun intended) in a supermarket somewhere probably behind the odd shaped fruits section, popping off zombies in the cover of dark, or maybe your in a cottage or one of the many parks in Chernarus in the bushes?

    Anyway if you can handle our sense of humor then go to our website and sign up.


    Knowbody calls me baby except Mrs Broadsword.


    I'm glad you told me you are married, I feel safer around you now baby oops sorry.

    PS Can I have a special section on the website for gay members?

  2. Hi

    I'm very much an Arma player from Op Flashpoint through to Arma2 and now this MOD.

    I'm 43 years old, quite excitable and gay. I sometimes wear heels and scream ride me daddy but apart from that I'd like to play with you (the game, don't get any weird ideas or try and touch my leg) and your gang. This is exactly the kinda tribe I've been looking for. I've got over 4000 zombie kills and an area to store my stash.

    I'll PM you my Steam ID baby.

    Fist me!

  3. Never group up with a person that you don't know' date=' or that isn't on ts..

    I only group up if I have my starter kit , or have them on TS , otherwise its bullet to the head.

    Im not a bandit , but Ill kill anyone that comes close .


    Would you kill your mum if she gave you a cuddle - aww didums :P
