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About Nades1247

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Nades1247

    Dying upon entering

    Yeah this happened to me just before, I was at the lake Prad and was about to go to the airfield as well :(
  2. Nades1247

    Connection to the host has been lost

    Nah, I've been trying a multitude of servers all day long, can't get into any D:
  3. Nades1247

    Connection to the host has been lost

    So you think I should just wait a few days? Or are there other alternatives?
  4. Yeah, so everytime I launch up DayZ and join any server I have to wait in the loading screen for upwards of 10 minutes, only to find that there is a message with 'Connection to the host has been lost' right after the loading screen. I haven't been able to play at all since I just got this yesterday but any advice or help would be HIGHLY appreciated. Thanks :) PS - I'm using the Six Launcher and have the latest beta update installed.