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Doctor Disfigure

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Everything posted by Doctor Disfigure

  1. Doctor Disfigure

    Suggestion: add Child model as player

    You can't have child violence in games. That's the reason why children in Skyrim are invincible.
  2. Doctor Disfigure

    I found a g36c

    "I have 21 years old". Engrish.
  3. Doctor Disfigure

    The most safe I've ever felt in this game...

    This is the kinda stuff I'm looking for to be fully satisfied with the game.
  4. Doctor Disfigure

    Possible solution to paranoid killing

    This isn't an awful idea. It's far better than the others I've read regarding paranoid killing/banditry.
  5. I'd do it. But not at 3:30 AM.
  6. Doctor Disfigure

    What Item Do You Need

    I could use a good weapon and perhaps a backpack.
  7. Doctor Disfigure

    22 day character, planning suicide...

    I'd really like the gear. I'll be online. I had a ghillie, AS50, NVG, range finders, all kinds of good stuff until a hacker killed me and hid my body last night. Now I'm back to nothing and I really never got to use the stuff because I had just looted it a day before this happened. :( Would be nice if a generous soul made my day.
  8. Doctor Disfigure

    US0123 Speed Hacker

    I was on the US0123 server, and about 15-20 people were on as well. I engaged in a firefight on the hill near the northeastern corner of Elektro. I was trying to kill 3 people in the fire station. They manage to survive, so I crawl away, far out of sight into the woods. My friend was on his way back from respawning and told me a guy was absolutely speeding up the hill "faster than Sonic the Hedgehog". It wasn't lag as the server was extremely smooth. He came up behind me at 10x the speed of a sprint, shot me with a weapon whose rate of fire was insane (probably more hacks), and then started ranting over direct voice. Needless to say, I'm pretty bummed that I died to a hacker while I was carrying a ghillie suit, M16, M9 SD, Range finders, NVGs, and all kinds of goodies.
  9. Doctor Disfigure

    My first few times playing DayZ

    All of these things are normal. The leg-breaking thing was just brutal though, knowing you had absolutely no loot for them, they wanted to make you suffer. Sick bastard.
  10. Doctor Disfigure

    My craziest day in DayZ

    Hmmm, that hacker gave you quite a night.
  11. Doctor Disfigure

    Dieing on alttab.

    It could've been that a zombie spawned within range while you were tabbed out. Happened to me before. I tabbed back in and was standing up, grey screen, dead. I was clueless. But I went all the way (Stary Sobor) to my body and recovered every single item, so of course it wasn't a player in my case because I had a coyote backpack, antibiotics, GPS, M9 SD, all sorts of goodies on me.
  12. Doctor Disfigure

    [VIDEO] How to give somebody a heart attack

    I thought "The joy of giving somebody a heart attack" was a McDonald's trademark?
  13. Doctor Disfigure

    My friend just scared the living shit out of me.

    Well, I'll just be leaving now...... :o
  14. Doctor Disfigure

    DayZ: A neat game with no endgame

    This is all I got...
  15. Doctor Disfigure

    Attn: Rocket

    This really needs to be brought to attention. Can we request sticky?
  16. Doctor Disfigure

    Whooo-weeeee that was fun!

    Nice narrative.