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Everything posted by meth_fiend

  1. meth_fiend

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I posted earlier this morning about needing medical help. Had a guy move to my location, but he was running a different version, lol. Just wanted to update and say that I managed to shoot 4 or 5 bunnies (somehow) and raise my blood back up from 2.6K to a reasonable level. Took me about an hour of wandering between NW airfield and Altar to find them. After that, I managed to find a boar and a goat. Shortly afterwards, I found a wrecked military jeep that was LOADED with gear...30 AK mags, 10 frags, 10 SVD mags, some G17 mags, and a tent. Met back up with my buddy and moved towards Kabanino (just north of it along the road). If anyone is in that area and running version 95054 (preferably U.S. - midwest, Chicago, NY, etc), I can be of assistance. My steam name is the same as my username here. We found a heli crash with a medical box, so I have supplies. No good weapons or gear though, so don't get any fancy ideas.
  2. meth_fiend

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Well, midiambient was going to help me, and he ran all the way to my location, but we aren't running the same version :( If someone is near Kabanino (north along the dirt road) and is running patch 95054, I could really use a transfusion. I have my own blood bag. Thanks in advance!
  3. meth_fiend

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm North of Kabanino along the road, about 500m or so...kinda close to the NW airfield I suppose, but it's a remote, wooded area. I'm at 2.5K blood...I was gonna try to hunt and regain health, but I can't find any animals and I keep passing out, lol. I have a blood bag. Could trade a frag grenade or some AK mags (not AKM) if someone could assist me. My buddy had a party last night and couldn't help, and I doubt he'll be waking up anytime soon. Knowing him, he'd probably just shoot me and laugh, though :( EDIT: I'm not logged in...my guy is hungry. I can chat on Steam if someone is willing to help. Oh, and I'm running 95054.