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About hellspawncc

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Yes, my story doesn't add up to what YOU think happened. I could say the same about your story on where the bike was because I clearly showed you on the map where I parked it. Also, you said you saw the bike on the MAP correct, yes I think you did. Please tell me you are aware that vehicles, players and zombies show on the map where you last had sight of them. I could have been long gone but my position on the map would still be marked where you last saw me lol. I would love to see this frapsed footage you claim to have as well. If you have the part of you shooting at me, you should have everything else correct? Or did you just decide half way through chasing my ghost bike on the map that you wanted to stop frapsing. As for the gear, you said it yourself earlier, if I cared about the shit you had versus what I had on me I would have taken it. My lee enfield has been very kind to me, as you have seen. ;)
  2. ROFL! I sir did not d/c. I was coming from the NW airfield with about 8k blood (1 shot would've probably done me in btw), riding along prud lake when you opened fire on me, I had no idea where you were but I serpentine'd away from where the shots were coming from, into the trees. That got my heart jumping considering there weren't many people on and I was NOT expecting anyone to be nearby. Anyways, I rode through the trees and parked the bike in the Old Fields slightly NE of Stary. I then cut back though the same forest only further east of where you shot at me. I crept along the north side of the trees when I saw you.. waited for you to turn, then moved in closer, thats when you made your way toward me and I fired but missed. You ran behind a tree, I popped out and headshotted you (I think, either way lee enfield is 1 hit from that range). All this shit about the bike still being in the woods and me popping in right next to it is completely fabricated. I wish I had fraps running so I could post a vid as well, oh well maybe next time. P.S. I didn't get a chance to take your shit either as I had full inventory and before I could get back the server restarted :( Here's the exact path I took: http://i.imgur.com/kf6q5.jpg