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Everything posted by syndiicate

  1. I've been with ADZ since the start and not once has there been an issue within our "clan". From what I have herd you were a bugger of a person. If this is how ADZ gets some rep so be it I rather have mature people then rude people, but I'm speaking on behalf of myself when saying: 'If you want to act up, be annoying, immature and a lone wolf then ADZ is NOT for you.' simple.
  2. syndiicate

    Dear ADZ clan on US165

    I think I did.... Lol thanks Regards [ADZ] Ryukk
  3. syndiicate

    Dear ADZ clan on US165

    Yea just unlucky timing I would of shot your "paratrooper" but I honestly thought it was a friendly. No matter it happens.... And the fps lag is just rediculous sometimes.
  4. syndiicate

    Dear ADZ clan on US165

    Let the killing commence. :)
  5. Well it seems i may have found my group ;) i've kinda new i understand everything just trust the wrong people then get killed. But i hope i can join ^_^ Skype Benjamyn63
  6. syndiicate

    Zub Trading Zone

    Im interested in this idea, as i would love to contribute if it's still going. Steam ID Ryukk132
  7. G'day all, I'm new to the forums as you can see and I've got a few days experience in-game but i always seem to run into trouble. So I thought why not find a group? Well that's why I'm here ;P Im still fairly new to the game but i have picked up the basics but i hope that isnt to much of an issue. Might tell some information while im here eh? Age: 18 Name: Ben Location: Australian Time zone: GMT +10 Skype: Benjamyn63 Activity: Well im an Apprentice Baker So my hours are all wacky but i try and get a few hours each day :) I hope being Australian and with my time zone Isn't to much of an issue lol. Well i hope to see you's in-game Regards Ryukk.