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Posts posted by basterdactual

  1. Today I alt-f4'ed.

    An hour and a bit into my dozenth, dozenth spawn and I'd just run the West deer stands for loot.

    I hit my last deer stand and decided to head west into the deep bush to look for a tent (With a little luck) and log.

    Then I was ambushed and in a stunning moment of weakness I slammed frantically on my Alt-f4 key and hit the desktop.

    It was my first Alt-f4. Like many, I'd been on the receiving end of Alt-f4'ers and have learnt to live with it. Its a fact of life. it happens. We move on...

    But as I sat there looking at the server browser, all I could feel was shame. I had become something I hated.

    So I went back.

    I logged back into the server, knowing full well I was going to die. I'd have liked to apologise over Direct to you, but I was passed out.

    I don't know who you were. I don't know if you are a scripter. I don't know if you're just like me. I'd like to think you're just like me. I know you were both wearing Ghillie suits and had Makarovs and happened to be in the same area, on the same server as I was.

    I apologise for Alt-f4ing. I hope the medical supplies and the M14 aim do you better then they did me.

    For future ambushes, I suggest not giving me the time to react. A larger calibre weapon would do the trick. Headshots work better as well.

    Best of luck on your future endeavours.

    Your hapless victim,

    Robert Muldoon.

