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About the.death.toll@gmail.com

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Gender
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    Sub Tropical USA

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  • Bio
    High fashion gal living in a binary world. I'm a makeup artist and hair stylist that's been a PC MMO player for too many years to count. All my kids have 4 feet and are covered in fur. I'm originally a Canadian, now living in the States and married to a Marine.
  1. the.death.toll@gmail.com

    Character creator bugged?

    Just get down with your inner nubian goddess!
  2. the.death.toll@gmail.com

    I dont see what the problem is...

    Just do the bootcamp heli training in Arma. If you keep your hand off your mouse other than to flip it to hover, you're golden.
  3. the.death.toll@gmail.com

    Is useing hacked in weapons....

    Best is to just bury the body with it on it tbh.
  4. the.death.toll@gmail.com

    How is thirst/hunger calculated?

    No need to eat or drink unless it's blinking at any rate.
  5. the.death.toll@gmail.com

    admin slap?

    AS50 can hit up to 1200m effectively, zeroing up to 1600m. It's one shot though, so you would have been dead. A M14 though.. Could have been legit, could have been someone using graphics removed.
  6. Ya, you have to reload it (hit r), if you watch carefully, it shoots imaginary bullets when you swing it (puff of smoke and slight bullet type noise).
  7. the.death.toll@gmail.com

    Newbie question I couldn't find an answer for.

    Chickens are one steak, they can be found in smaller towns (not worth the risk, too many Zed spawns), rabbits spawn pretty much anywhere, one steak, cows ultimate feast 8 steaks, found in fields, can sometimes take 7 bullets and still moo at you, goats and sheep are also found in feilds, these are 3 to 5 steak beasts, they like to port around like they're in some type of hocus pocus act, aim for the body, not the head. Boars are 4 to 5 steaks, found at the edge and in forests, these are fun to vault and often seen with their feet in the air on hill sides.
  8. the.death.toll@gmail.com

    So I found a gps....

    That's just the map, has nothing to do with the GPS. Some people will put notations that they cycle loot by X Free Guns near the barracks (meaning there will be a huge pile outside, generally DMR, FN FAL, AKs etc), some people will put traps like X Car in the middle of Cherno and wait to snipe. So always be very cautious when investigating them, some clans don't realize everyone can see them, so.. free loot if they haven't been raided.
  9. the.death.toll@gmail.com

    Thank you to the Cherno Store Heroes!

    You're awesome Sula! I so wish we could have more than one character so I could come have adventures with you.
  10. Hysterics; If you take the time and read though the new player forums there will be several pages of similar stories like your's, with responses and links to places that can help you. Loot is random, it can take up to 10 minutes to fully spawn in a location depending on how desynched you are from a server. To get rid of zombies travel through buildings with a front and back door. Hatchets are AWESOME, don't overlook them. Zeds are glitchy, Rocket (the creator of the mod knows this, and so would you if you've read the forums). Welcome to DayZ, don't get attached to your gear. Eat and drink when blinking :)
  11. the.death.toll@gmail.com

    Bus driver looking for server!

    My friends and I were talking about this a while ago. With the amount of snipers now, the chances of you getting blown up on a public server are huge.. but oh it would be so much fun to do. (No worries, we only blow up vehicles not in cities, and we chase them, on foot, and would never do it to a transport bus). Maybe if the server admin but something in their welcome message about a transport bus being on it?
  12. the.death.toll@gmail.com

    How many seats does the helicopter have?

    See, now you need to get yourself an AS50 and just shoot them out of the air when you see them. Aim for the rotar and engine.. or if you can get a clear shot, the driver. :P It's a sky loot pinata.
  13. the.death.toll@gmail.com

    No other view

    Yup, some servers prefer a first person view and turn off third person.
  14. the.death.toll@gmail.com

    Recently Picked Up Items Poofing.

    I'd love to say "this is alpha" like everyone else does.. but that's just hooey. Wait, wait a good 20, 30 mins to log. Sometimes it's a desynch issue, sometimes there are too many vehicles active on the server and they cause a weird type of lag, specifically the helicopters.
  15. the.death.toll@gmail.com

    My game experience

    Until you get more familiar or it's a dead server, avoid Cherno, Elektro and Stary. The terribads snipe newbies in those locations for easy murder counts. Sounds like you're having a blast though, and that's awesome!