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About zogin

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Can someone tell me how the Arma 2 modding licence work. Are you allowed to release the mods as closed source?
  2. WE NEED YOU! - Official DayZ Origins #GX ARCUS - Active admins, Fresh database. 3rd person = on Name plates = off We need more people to help grow the server. What I can offer is a 40 man server that will not be taken down suddenly when it's time to pay the bill. And admins that will not treat you like trash. We have small groups from UK, Germany, Russia and Sweden but we need to grow to make the server more fun to play on. I'm open to give out admin access to keep the admin count high enough to maintain a good service. Rules: Be warned, we stay true to the sandbox model. If you can't handle having your helicopter being destroyed then I recommend another server for you. We don't accept voice communication in side chat. We don't accept any verbal harassment or racism of any kind.
  3. zogin

    DE112 EU20 Mass Death

    Sorry for your experience, but we can't do anything. 1. We are not allowed to. 2. We don't have access to any useful logs.
  4. zogin

    Mass murder on EU20

    /sigh Multipost bug :/
  5. zogin

    Mass murder on EU20

    I can asure you it wasn't the admin. I'm sorry you had that experience on our server. Team Rocket does not want us to be able to handle any kind of moderation or assistance in catching cheaters. We are forbidden to kick/ban and we are not allowed access to any usable logs.
  6. zogin

    Fun to done in less than 30 minutes...

    ALPHA is just the safe word in this BDSM experience of a mod.
  7. I actually got the link from Rockets "About facts about himself" thread. We were trying to see if one could actually see the cheaters in the log, due to the fact that no matter where we put a vehicle it was found within less then 24h. Apart from the surprise on how many was actually on that form, the only conclusion I could make was that there is no log to look in because the they know how to avoid that already. And it came as no surprise that the find vehicle script was quicklinked from the main sticky. The reason I wan't a response on this discussion is because I rent a server. EU20. We had cheaters doing everything from being invisible, invurnable, apache helis, you name it. As an admin for the server we can't do jack shit about it. Before I would even consider paying more rent for this server I was hoping that there would be some kind of discussion on what is going on with the hacks, but noone seems to bother much more then respawning and getting new gear. I's a shame if this great mod could not get past this. The only option we have at this point is to setup a server disconnected from the hive with invites only.
  8. The game was made for modding / simulation so there was no need at all for any kind of antihack security. It's just beyond fixing. I wonder if it's going to be the same with Arma 3.
  9. They can just spawn new stuff. Server owners are disabling BattleEye, running scripts, and turning it on again. The HIVE server sounded like an good idea but it's impossible to keep any kind of integrity to whats saved due to how ARMA2 allows you to cheat.
  10. Has anyone not been a victim by a hacker by now? Can anyone official elaborate on how you are going to battle this?
  11. zogin

    Zombie respawn time too fast

    There must be issues with playing in groups. We were playing 6 people yesterday together. I can tell it almost becomes possible to adventure around. Zombies respawn too fast and I think they also spawn too many. If I would do a guess I would say that the clients are not working together as they should. Player 1's computer is spawning the same zombies as the player next to you. It becomes very apperant that something is not correct when you are like 5-6 together and you can't almost break into a small town due to the amount of zombies and respawns. On top of that all the snipers that completley kills any fun you try to do in a group. It's just too easy to PVP from distance. Anyone who has the same experience?
  12. First, I hate to say It. I wanted global chat gone, but it killed the community. We were getting to know the players on our server and now we can't talk. We need global chat back. This game is getting older and every player with a brain now knows how to accumulate geear fast. Just run at the edge of the map. As of this patch near the edge of the map. My point is. Once you become more then one or two players randomly doing small stuff it's over. There is simply nowhere to store stuff to plan things ahead, simply due to the fact that it's just too easy to find the tents. We are 8 players together. I think the longest we managed to keep a vehicle is 48 hours. I would say that tents is found in less then 24 hours. We need some way to more safely store more then you carry. As a community of almost 200.000 players I'm sure we can come up with something better then what it is now. I for sure want a game to last longer then one or two sessions before you have to start over (even if you didn't die) On top of my head I can think of the following: Add a spade, storage box (maybe 40 slots or so) and let us dig it down with a very low visibility. Fix so tents can be in more locations. (forest). And make them harder to spot. Change tents to let players place just ONE tent that is invisible to everyone else. I don't know anything other then the current situation is better. It's getting hard to do something as an 5-8 player group when everything is gone once you stop.
  13. zogin

    Blood Types - Adds realism and dynamism to DayZ.

    I don't know where you are playing but it's already annoying enough to get blood. More often then not there are players camping the hospitals with snipers.
  14. Atleast make it an option for server owners.