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Everything posted by harryzhe

  1. aside from navigation being a thing you need to learn though, new players being able to spawn anywhere would change the entire dynamic of the game. Imagine if makarov'n'beans guys could spawn as far inland as they like? The progression from south to north would no longer be a thing. If this HAS to happen it should either be available to spawn only on fresh new survivors with their permission, or a way to pick which town on the coast you wanna spawn at. Either way, I've located people in this game several times now. It's never taken more than an hour. If that's too long for you then idk if dayZ is the game for you.
  2. harryzhe

    interactive gear (such as the watch)

    firstly, the mod probably can't access this to change it secondly, it wouldnt actually change the gameplay at all. It'd probably result in less immersion because you wouldnt be able to do anything else while keeping an eye on your watch. Animations in first person are very difficult to improve because theyre the same as third person. You use the same model for everything, as opposed to other games where you have a separate first person model. It complicates things a lot, but it doesn't have any negative impact on gameplay, so it shouldn't be considered a priority. I don't know why i was down-voted for that post. Some people are retarded.
  3. harryzhe

    If I was a cyborg.

    Why? Also, you seem to underestimate just how deficient a computer monitor is, compared to actual vision.
  4. harryzhe

    Make the game less realistic!

    keep it subtle, needs to be believable :D
  5. harryzhe

    Ruining ARMA 2?

  6. harryzhe

    SAFETY for your weapons

    who rests their finger on the left mouse button? Any time you're not shooting the thing you're gunna want to use is the action menu. Rest it on the mouswheel... and lower your weapon. How is it that people think a fire mode would be less fucking around than lowering your weapon? Say you're carrying chemlights and flares, and a grenade or two. Have fun pressing f like 5 times before you can fire.
  7. it doesn't, thats why people are desperate for a model
  8. harryzhe

    interactive gear (such as the watch)

    characters already drop to a knee when they look at a map. It'd be pretty silly to have the character doing nothing but looking at a watch when the watch is on screen though - you can do plenty of other things in-game while looking at your watch. Agree with swissarmy. Play the game before you make suggestions... Espescially if theyre purely whimsical visual additions and nothing to do with actual gameplay
  9. speaking of which, i really wish servers would list their local timezone in the server name
  10. harryzhe

    Talent Tree

    this is the first example of skillset representation for dayz ive actually agreed with. It's awesome that you've stuck purely to the abstracted activities in the game. Nay-sayers, i hear you, but look at it this way. You build a fire in dayz. You get meat off a cow. You set up structures. you repair things, you give people blood transfusions. What do you actually DO when these things happen? You just wait for them to be finished. So there's no way to do it any better or worse through practise. Which brings me to this point : it shouldn't be abstracted to EXP you can allot to whatever you like. Repetition of tasks is what should make you better at them. That way even if you aren't the best at something, within your group, you could organise for one specific guy to do the butchering and cooking, one guy to do the medical treatment, one guy to do repairs to vehicles - that way the team all benefits from someone who has more "experience" at it and can do it more efficiently, rather than having 5 guys of equal skill but all equally crap at it. Naturally, any kind of "skill system" should not even think about touching actual combat or navigation or movement skills. Those things are represented with enough depth that you yourself get better at them through practise without having to represent it in another way.
  11. harryzhe

    The Bad Idea Thread.

    -EXP/leveling up -more modern military style weapons -being able to teleport to your friends location any time -more ammo -safe zones -AI survivors
  12. harryzhe

    Climbing ladders

    put your makarov in your backpack. You dont wanna be using it anyway
  13. harryzhe

    Let's discuss a skill system

    Oh, i dunno if i noticed that remark on first read. Strongly disagree here too. it seems to be a misuse of the term depth too.
  14. harryzhe

    Add Post Apo units (allready modded)

    iirc the post-apo mod was wiped when the author had a hard drive failure.
  15. harryzhe

    Empty whiskey bottles +bloodpack

    you know what, fuck it, make it possible. If someone's dumb enough to waste a bloodpack on that, let them do it :D
  16. they have to be spread only along the southern coast imo. Right now theres a nice organic progression of higher tier players and loot towards the north. There needs to be a reason to travel there. If you spawn somewhere awesome why would anyone take any risks traveling? The spawn areas are both dangerous for the amount of people, and dont have great loot or facilities. Theyre easy on the newbies cause they have infinite water source and a fair lot of makarov ammo to find on less fortunate guys. If "noobs" can spawn all over the map the areas become pretty much homogenous. The change as you travel north is an excellent element imo. Everyone there is gunna have significantly better kit, but will be significantly more on-edge because not trusting anyone has gotten them this far.
  17. harryzhe

    Suggestion: Weapons spawning everywhere.

    ...but suppressed ANYTHING are pretty much the best weapons in the game... How shitty would it be if they were just commonplace?
  18. hm, just had an idea. If BOTH characters were <20 minutes old maybe itd be ok. This would simulate, i guess, people just being in the same spot post-"apocalypse." I just dont like the idea of every place on the map having chernogorsk status. However, itd disable these people (who are apparently new enough to die every half hour or so) from just teleporting up north, taking good gear or cars, and dying in the middle of a giant horde with it. You'd probably have to have a dialogue saying "xyz wants to start with you. Allow?" or people could just farm makarov ammo with it in the early game. But to be honest, the complaint being made here is "every time i find my friends i die and have to start all over again" It doesn't sound like having a friend is really helping you.
  19. Since i've located my main partner in the game, I've not died once. It sounds like you just need to be more careful if you've actually died WITH A FRIEND this many times. If people just stopped playing it like it was an action game things would be pretty much ok. There's no reason you should be being forced to repeat this process anywhere near as many times as you suggest if you're actually careful and observant. There is no implementing it properly. The game currently rewards people for being careful and knowing how to navigate by landmarks. It's a huge part of the gameplay and to just grant it to everyone by default without having to learn any new skills would be screwing over all the people who have gotten good at it and enjoy doing it. I actually *like* that there's a skill curve, and i *like* that most the skills are real life, cognitive ones, and not some abstract rote-learned thing. If some player both finds it difficult and tedious to locate someone within a few KM of themselves on a map, and finds it difficult to stay alive once they do find that person, they must be very new to the game or very careless. The atmosphere would be partially destroyed if every player was automatically granted the luxury of teammates to protect them. I knew guys who'd been up north with plenty of supplies already when i just started playing. Imagine if i could just teleport to them? Imagine if i could just start the game with decent guns and food supplies, without having to do anything at all? There'd be no reward for the people who know how to use the environment to their advantage. This is idiotic hyperbole. The mod couldnt be hidden if it tried. My point is there's no reason to bend over backwards to attract new people. The community IS growing at a massive rate' date=' I believe the word used was "exploding" - Theres absolutely no reason to fundamentally nerf parts of the game to attract more. The servers can barely keep up as it is. ...Except it's ALREADY going to be an official part of arma2, and it ALREADY has an enormous and growing community supporting it. Your point would make perfect sense if hardly anyone was playing... But it's not, so your point is ridiculous.
  20. yeah the idea of "hearing things" could be pretty cool, little subtle flashes or periods of blurred or slightly darkened vision, or slightly tunnel vision via a vignette would be cool. Silly that people class the currently suggested images as "scary." They're way too over the top and impossible to take seriously. After you saw it once or twice it'd just become a joke. In my case it's already a joke.
  21. harryzhe


    yeah, agreed. Animals being more timid would be great. Cooking is already a thing but itd be kind of cool if it took a little longer. Imagine throwing a bit of meat on the fire then going for a walk to come back when it's cooked? Crafting is something they'd have to be really careful with. It could be done awesomely, or totally cliched. It seems shelter will become a thing with the new temperature stuff - at least it looks to be going that way. There's also some half-implemented building items. I think it's a direction the devs plan to go. It sounds like there'll be tons to do.
  22. harryzhe

    Clear Sky Nights are TOO DARK!!!

    But in all seriousness the nights are quite visible (realistically so imo) on a full moon. On a new moon you won't see shit.
  23. harryzhe

    Deer Stands

  24. harryzhe


    bikes are in arma but imo the vanilla ones are a little on the fast side. Theyre completely silent and extremely quick, and realistically they'd be simple to repair. I think to implement them the speed would need to be reduced a bit. The other benefits they offer couldn't really be changed without sacrificing realism. In arma their drawback is you'll be easilly gunned down by anyone who spots you... but in arma there's generally a lot more armed enemies around, and you actually try to encounter them. Opposite is the case in dayz.