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About harryzhe

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  1. harryzhe

    AKM Sneak peak close to being implemented

    psst http://puu.sh/7xyki
  2. harryzhe

    [SA]weapon poll

    and that would be exactly the point. I don't actually want half the guns on this list to be in. It's meant to be a data collecting exercise, not a "who agrees with my choices" thing. As for your mention of the TDI vector, you are probably playing the wrong game if you want stuff like that. It fits more in arma 3.
  3. harryzhe

    [SA]weapon poll

    the chernarus defense force are fictitious, so what they use is up for speculation
  4. harryzhe

    world war z and zombie survival guide

    take a look at the books in game and you will notice they all have one thing in common: they are public domain zombie survival guide and world war z are not
  5. harryzhe

    [SA]weapon poll

    added remington 7615 and zipgun (shotgun) to list
  6. harryzhe

    [SA]weapon poll

    I was thinking maybe a sako finnwolf or similar would be appropriate semi automatic .22 (margolin, colt woodsman, ruger mk2) (10 votes [7.63%])
  7. harryzhe

    [SA]weapon poll

    i was reluctant to add that to the list because its very unlikely we would ever see it ingame. the VSS ammo is completely unique to the VSS, plus its unique magazines. It could not share with any other weapon and as you may remember from the mod, they dont like adding too many ammo types to the loot tables. besides that, for the reasons above it is an un-ideal survival gun.
  8. harryzhe

    [SA]weapon poll

    i am actually the author of the 357 model and no, i doubt that you will be able to fire it in single-action.
  9. harryzhe

    [SA]weapon poll

    EDIT: YOU CAN VOTE MORE THAN ONCE!!! The topic comes up all the time when playing SA. What direction do you think the standalone should go in? Personally id love to see a lot more low-end loot. Espescially shotguns and .22s, espescially low capacity handguns Basically anything that will bring players closer together before they start shooting. The closer you get, the more likely you are to be seen. And suddenly, shooting on sight might not be as appealing any more. Stealth and negotiation, or pure evasion, become viable options when point and click from 500 metres is ruled out. I also like the idea of weapons which dont use magazines. Not only are they easier to get up and running in a world where mags are collected, but they add tension. If you see someone with a mosin you cant know by looking at the mag if he's capable of shooting at you, like you can with the m4. I think more low end gear will also provide more choices to the player. Right now, seeing a weapon on the ground you will almost always pick it up. Seeing ammo, the same, almost always pick it up. Add more types, and suddenly we need to make a decision about which we want to use and which we leave behind. Other players might make this choice differently. Other players might be carrying ammo you need which they dont, the framework for trading is there. Not like now where every second person has an m4, so killing them will get you more m4 ammo reliably. Instead you cant know if they have what you want quite so easilly without talking to them. Apart from that, in real life these low-end weapons are just more common in general. it helps to make the experience more relatable.
  10. harryzhe

    DayZ Development Twitter

    My my reckoning it's 15 or less. If there are more than that, i've not been exposed to them at all
  11. OHhh yeah would that be the pietta or the armi san marco reproduction? and why's it in chernarus? get real. If there was gonna be any old school revolver in cherno it'd be a nagant or a S&W russian model (the "other" best handgun ever made, except actual contemporaries said this, not a video game character) But all of these would use their own unique types of ammo and thus not make much sense in a ZA scenario... So i doubt anything like that will be added.
  12. This is true in america but not necessarilly in eastern europe. The problem with highly customised weapons in the game is that you would find multiple instances of them. Most sporterisations were not done in factories and were the loving work of enthusiasts. Encountering the same personally customised rifle more than once would be an immersion killer. these http://puu.sh/3j25V.jpg were a thing, but not common.
  13. harryzhe

    SA: 'No advanced weapons'

    This guy is on the money, apart from one thing. "top sniper" is a myth. IF the game is realistic, there will be a reason to use one rifle over another any time. Scarcity of ammo, weight, noise, ease of maintenance... If there existed a top sniper rifle IRL, how long do you imagine it would take before no other sniper rifles existed any more? They could keep 50cals in, but you'd have trouble finding enough ammo for them... and if they ever malfunctioned you'd be pretty fucked... and for the weight of one single round of bmg you could carry about 4x .308s... Which, with any well placed shot, would still be a "one shot kill" anyway. But yes, i totally agree that the gun choices should be based mostly on "feel" - For the same reason we have adidas shoes and blue jeans and hoodies and beanies and motorcycle helmets on most people, and tactical gear on only those who manage to find it... We should have civilian weapons and basic service arms of police and military be the most common. At the end of the day, which specific guns are picked wont influence actual gameplay much. It's about an aesthetic and creating a believable world. Otherwhise, why not include a matchlock arquebus or a dardick pistol? why not a gyrojet? a hotchkiss universal? they all exist right, so why not? Oh, and this is an important point too. Like this guy says, EVEN IF something is made very rare for "balance" - people will "bias" towards holding onto them and treasuring them and hoarding them in little camps.... so their scarcity will always be influenced artificially by players.
  14. harryzhe

    DayZ Update

    you say that like everyone owes you for making a video with ridiculous excited fart and exertion noises, the text was the only informative thing for me. i'd say its more like taking a dump in someone's bed, then telling them they owe you for adding content to their bed
  15. harryzhe

    DayZ Update

    the video didnt even show anything, why not just stick to the text? embarassing