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Jen (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Jen (DayZ)

  1. Jen (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build

    I can't wait for this to drop. Finally, no more respawn spam dying in the feed.
  2. Hesitant when I first tried.. BUT NOW TAKE ALL MY BEANS. Thank you sir, it worked like a charm!
  3. Rocket confirmed that SP and such will not work the the DayZ mod active. Just go into your expansions and untick the mod.. that should fix it. I hope so anyways.
  4. Jen (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build

    Working 4:30-10.. Looks like I'll be testing this as soon as I get home, seeing as I doubt I'll have any time before work since my sleeping pattern has been screwy for the past month.
  5. It's just maintenance. Hopefully it'll pass sometime soon. It sucks how I was playing on a server, logged off to eat dinner, and come back to this. Such a heartbreaking message when you're in the mood to slay some zombies.
  6. Hey guys! I didn't really know where to post this topic, so I figured here would be my best bet. Since Combined Operations is only $18 from Steam, I was thinking of purchasing myself a copy so I could have a second profile for DayZ. I tried to search for a good tutorial on how I would go about doing that, but I couldn't find one for some reason. Search functions don't generally like me too much, so sorry for the noob post. Anyways, can someone give me a quick rundown of how this would work? I was thinking of just making a second steam account and purchasing CO on there. Is it as simple as downloading and installing it on that account, and just signing in and then launching the game? Or, do I need to launch the game directly from Steam? Currently, I use the Arma 2 Free / Arma 2 OA way of playing DayZ on my first character. I just wanted a second profile so I could use one for Youtube and one for shenanigans and personal use. Any help would be greatly appreciated, and I would be sure to award you with some beans! (Tempting, I know.) Anyways, thanks in advance to anyone who attempts to explain this to me!
  7. No, I do not. I plan on doing this on the same computer.
  8. Jen (DayZ)

    Are helicopters spawning?

    Diod, you realize people can still hack in helicopters, correct? Just because your friend found one doesn't mean they're spawning in. Just a little tip; hackers can do anything they want to do.
  9. Jen (DayZ)

    Character Selection

    You cannot select a character with specific gear; everyone starts out with the same gear, stated above. The ONLY option you have for character selection is if you want a female or male model.
  10. Usually lag is based on the server, not you. Your specs are fine, especially since you managed to run 35-40 FPS the day before. Try joining other servers or wait it out. The game has a lot of problems, especially since it's in Alpha status, so don't fret; nine times out of ten, it's the mod and not you.