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Jen (DayZ)

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About Jen (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Chillin' in Kamenka
  • Interests
    Everything.. besides country music.

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    My life story? I was born with a love for the games of videos. Teh rest is history.

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  1. Jen (DayZ)

    Need help with DayZ

    Did you buy a Steam copy, or a copy off of some game key website?
  2. Jen (DayZ)

    Need help with DayZ

    Hm... I've never actually had that issue thankfully. You said you installed everything correctly? You bought OA, not pirated it? You ran both Arma II and OA BEFORE downloading DayZ? That's really all I can think of.. again, not my department. Sorry I can't be of further assistance.
  3. Jen (DayZ)

    Need help with DayZ

    Can you elaborate on the issues you are having? Like, what the errors are saying and such? Something about missing DLC isn't very specific. The only thing I know about missing DLC would be you trying to play on two accounts.. which I don't think is the case here.
  4. Jen (DayZ)

    Game Very Choppy

    Your processor speed is probably what's hindering your performance. I don;t believe 1.2 GHz is enough to effectively play the game. I have 2.8 GHz processor and I can barely muster 35 FPS.
  5. Jen (DayZ)

    DayZ Stream Settings?

    Calling all people who stream this game: Hola amigops. I have just recently started streaming DayZ and I believe I have found my stream settings in Xsplit. However, I get 10FPS while actually playing the game. I've been searching around the interwebz for the past few days and I couldn't find anything that helped me. Honestly, if you guys could just get me to 20FPS while I stream, I'll be a happy panda. Here are my specs: AMD Athlon ll X4 630 (P) 2.8 GHz Processor 6GB PC3-10600 DDR3 SDRAM (3 x 2GB, 16GB max) Galaxy GeForce GT 430 1GB DDR3 PCI Express 2.0 Graphics Card Here are my current in-game settings, Xsplit settings, and Nvidia control panel settings: In-game: http://gyazo.com/72e...9e56e741e088661 Xsplit: http://i.imgur.com/vAzeq.jpg Nvidia Part 1: http://gyazo.com/ed4...1f47bfa137b6b00 Nvidia Part 2: http://gyazo.com/ed4...1f47bfa137b6b00 Again, I get almost 0 lag on my stream, but in-game I'm pulling 10FPS in big cities. Say I'm in Prigo, I get an easy 30. Any help would be greatly appreciated, and my beans go to the fellow survivors who fix this. :)
  6. Jen (DayZ)

    Multiple steam accounts[HELP!]

    Glad you got it working properly! I'll see you out on the battlefield. :)
  7. Jen (DayZ)

    Multiple steam accounts[HELP!]

    Alright, I see some questions here, so I'll just clarify everything to the best of my abilities. You only need to purchase OA on your steam account and run it in order to play DayZ. DayZ uses the OA key for DayZ, not the Arma II key, so you should be able to play with just the $20 purchase of OA. Just make sure when you run it, you have both the Arma II and OA icons on the bottom left of the screen.
  8. Jen (DayZ)

    Invert 360 controller

    Trust me, you're better off just learning to use the mouse and keyboard. I tried to use the controller in the beginning and immediately faced challenges. Just suck it up and learn the controls; it takes a day at most to get used to them. Sorry if this sounds harsh, but I was in your same position and I learned with ease. Good luck, and see ya out on the field. :)
  9. Jen (DayZ)

    Is due today?

    Hopefully a beautiful new patch while be waiting for me when I get home from work tonight. *Fingers crossed*
  10. Whenever I try to compare the game with hi-res and without hi-res, I feel like I don't actually see a substantial difference in DayZ like some of these YT videos.. It might be because I have two accounts.. possibly? I don't know.. :P Maybe I'm just blind haha
  11. So I downloaded the PMC DLC for the hi-res textures and the story line. When I click on my shortcut to play DayZ, PMC is not listed on the side with the other expansions, even though it shows the icon on the bottom left along with Arma II and OA. I also don't believe I actually have the textures while playing DayZ. I have ran the DLC multiple times and played through he first mission, but to no avail. If anyone actually uses this DLC and can help me out, it would be greatly appreciated! Here's what I mean: The only thing I can possibly think of is the fact that I have Arma II Free, not the one you have to pay for. I highly doubt this affects anything, but you never know.
  12. DayZ with the PMC textures.. because you can do that. But I'm getting a weird error message every time I switch the registries to the second account, even though I purchased PMC twice on each Steam account.
  13. Hey guys.. so I recently purchased the PMC DLC and fell in love with the high-res textures. However, I was only able to play on one of my two accounts with them. Flustered, I bought a second PMC DLC on the second Steam account, hoping this would fix it. However, only one of them still works. Both keys are c completely different, and here's what I tried in order to get this to work: - Log onto Steam 2 account, uninstall everything, reinstall Arma II, OA, PMC. Run everything, Export registry key for OA and PMC. -Log onto Steam 1 account, uninstall everything *again*, reinstall Arma II, second copy of OA, and second copy of PMC. Export both OA and PMC registries. I try to use the second account, and I can't get on, even though I have the registries reverting to the PMC key that *should* correspond with the second account. However, no go. Any ideas on how to get this up and running guys? I really just want these textures on both accounts, especially since I bought the DLC twice. Please leave if you try to troll, I made it far to easy since I'm tired and haven't slept in 24 hours.
  14. Jen (DayZ)

    Second Account Help Please!

    Can we please find an answer to this? I've been searching everywhere :(
  15. Jen (DayZ)

    Can't join any servers

    It was working PERFECTLY fine this morning around 8AM. I then turn off the computer and go to bed. I come back on tonight and it's acting up. This just killed my night.. Any help out there, please?