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About tracey52556@yahoo.com

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. tracey52556@yahoo.com

    Devs, Friends of Devs, and Server Admins in-game...

    omg i was thinking the same thing and im 37yrs old and yah ive been gaming too since i first walked into the local pizza joint to play pinball wich i rarely see any more i bought this game for the mod only and on our server my clan rents we have been haked multiple times in the last week teleporting players that look like jason from the movie and invincible axe carrying douche bags, chopper spawners, been teleported in to the debug zone whole server with legs broke guys name was -_- just like that and gosh there is alot of bugs but i love the game the haking i could really do without i have a big clan of 20ish people who suggested the game have yet to play the arma2 and dont want to bought the game just for dayz love the mod for sure but now my whole clan who just rents a server has raged due to the haking i kinda feel like ive waisted my cash but im in hopes of them putting the ban hammer down on these douche bag hackers
  2. hi my ingame name is:tracey my player id is:40598918 im stuck out side of map some where i have ground but there is nothing around just a vast desert like place known as debug plains :) i was wondering if an admin can place me some where on the map near black lake were i was last in the wilderness perferabley with my stuff but if its not possible ok thanks i appreciate your time and love the mod please fix my guy thanks bunches well ive marched what seems like at least an hr and nothing but a few pigs rabbits and cows but just no trees building any thing besides ground gonna kil my self maybe ill spawn at some where ill keep you posted ok so i killed my self and spawnd in a regular spawn place only now when i log off and log back in my inventory disapears and i start with nothing so when im looting if i log off and log back on im back to square one but still were i loged off any ideas how to fix this one