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Posts posted by scrubout

  1. Well, reinstall it is I guess. Then manual patch install, SixUpdater is sometimes a bit funky with the beta patches.

    It can't be the Hive, as you said " None of my companions have suffered any problems like mine either."

    Afraid its not just me suffering from this problem though. Have you read the other threads complaining about this? I'm not the only person playing this game having problems saving inventory. I also don't use sixupdater. I always manual install cause its easy. I've been manual installing versions/patches since1.7.1.5 with no problems.

    It'd be interesting to know if other people having this problem manual install or use sixupdater. I think I've heard of both so far but I could be wrong.

  2. This has been happening with me for about a week now too. I am unable to keep any items I find between play sessions. I always rejoin any server with the starting equipment but my blood values are saved, and my food/drink/etc. meters are saved too.I believe it may be a hive problem.

    Has anyone tried a complete reinstall yet?

    I've made a new profile in game, but that didn't work. Going to different servers does not help either, running current beta patches or older beta patches makes no difference.

    This bug has effectively broken the game for me...I mostly play on Dallas 3. When this first happened I thought it was a bug from getting on and off a bus but it has persisted. None of my companions have suffered any problems like mine either. I don't know what to do.
