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Posts posted by reapo22

  1. Currently the mod is already a deathmatch. Walk into Elecktro and find out for yourself. Nor is this "capture the flag." If this idea was CTF then you would score some sort of points to a endgame. The goal of an Army Camp, is to help players work together instead of just killing on sight. Because that is whats currently happening. How I ran right into a small group the other day and ran instantly away because I thought they would shoot me. I avoid other players in this game. I don't want to take the chance of losing what I have to some person who JUST spawned on a beach..

  2. I'm not trying to make it more "regular". I want it to be more realistic. Let me explain...

    In any sort of "apocalypse" there will always be that one person who prepared for the worse. That one person gathered everything into a defendable shelter. That one person gathered a small team of people that he/she can trust. Therefore they survive. Idealy, if a lone scavenger strolls by and sees this "fortress", he is going to want in. There is food, there is water, there is supplies. But they don't let him in, because that stuff is for them! So, the scavenger leaves, the scavengers finds his scavenging buddies and tells him about this wonderful trove of treats and delights. Then, the battle ensues...

    Hell, there are TV shows about people stock piling food, water, ammo, guns and turning their homes into CASTLES just so they can defend their stuff and their family! This idea isn't that far-fetched and I think it would add another lair to the mod and the gameplay!

  3. Well I think if we were able to build these camps it would "defeat" the purpose of the enhanced PvP. People would just try and hide their camps and never be seen again.

    Pre-determined camps would be better, considering the fact that all the stuff you need to carry around, it would just be too much.

    I also believe, that the same game would still be played. "Oh look, this guy has stuff to build camps, kill his ass!"

  4. To clarify, Military camps are areas, surrounded by zombies mostly, in the hopes of finding supplies, guns, ammo, and survival items.

    Army Camps will be a PvP based item.

    In order for this to work, a grouping system needs to be added. The way to do that is to give the option to players to join another player.

    I am a leader of a small group and another wants to join me. All that player has to do is highlight me with his gun and scroll down to "Join Group." To see if it worked, the leader will just look at his notes to see who joined the group

    Now thats outta the way, let me explain the idea. Throughout the game, both ARMA 2 and the mod DayZ there is A LOT of white space. Open ground of nothing going on. I recommend that predetermined camps be put in on these spaces of emptiness. It doesn't need to be big, but 4 walls and 4 gates put in at each wall. Maybe a crows nest in the middle so that the defenders of the camp have a chance to counter snipers and such.

    The goal of these camps, are to capture them. They will have lockboxes and crates to store ammo, food, supplies and even vehicle or helicopter parts. I think this would help encourage people to work together.

    From what I've seen, its been a lot of cut throat antics. The same thought goes through EVERYONES head. Why work with this guy? He is looking at his map right now, I could totally put one through his skull, take ALL his stuff and be set for the next several days.

    Well no more. You get a small group of guys together and start gearing yourselves up because you WANT that camp! Why? Because you want to be able to do everything this game has to offer like building vehicles, building helicopters and stock piling food.

    I think the real interesting thing about this idea however is the possible PvP options. Imagine this scenario....

    You are the leader of a small band of 7 survivors, well-equiped with 3 Winchesters, 2 Enfields, a CZZ 550, and a M4. Your eyes are set on a camp, south of Guglovo. Scouting out the compound, there seems to be several walls with two towers at opposite corners and a bunker at the front gate. Your sniper reports theres about 50 zombies in and outside the camp. You order your team to spread out and pick their shots and focus on the enemies outside first while the enemies inside slowly stumble out the gate. The sniper takes the first shot, hitting one in the head. As it tumbles over, the horde runs towards your squad. A hail of bullets begin to fly as zombies start toppling over. The sniper reports the Zeds have hit the gate and are coming out. Your team focuses on those zombies and they widdle them down. Soon, the only thing standing is your victorious team. The team moves into the camp and quickly secures the perimeter and captures the area.

    A list of priorities instantly start flooding your head. Ammo and better guns, food, vehicles, etc. But you can't send everyone. You don't want one lone survivor to come in and steal what you've already stored. So you split the team. You send 4 guys into Guglovo, while you and the two others guard the camp...

    I can go on and on and on for endless hours of the unlimited amount of possibilities that could happen but use your own imagination. Is there anything that could happen while YOUR team is split up?

    I hope you all enjoyed the story, but I'm sorry its way too long. But I really like this idea, and I wanna see its implemented!

  5. This game would be perfect for me if it had:

    -ride-able bicycles that spawn periodically in towns

    -all chat only accessible through radio

    -servers with higher player caps


    -ability to create groups' date=' form rivalries between groups, and officially capture cities (maybe through extermination of all the zombies in the area and by capturing a point)

    -faster load times

    Feel free to post your own wishlist that would make this game perfect to you.


    I would definitely say that inventory management is a definite must. As with the game, you need to be careful with that inventory. You can lose whole stacks of meet, to ammo, to even guns!

    I don't think towns should be capturable. However, in those wide open areas of "white space' in Chernarus, I think should be camps, military camps. Ones with gates and walls. Therefore, if you do have a group with you, you can capture a camp and start storing your shit there. It doesn't need to be BIG, but something nice. From the camp, your group leader can delegate people to go out and scavenge supplies, find car parts, weapons, more tents to put up back at camp. Leader can delegate some survivors to guard the camp while the others are out and about.

    I also think that Capturable camps would be a good way to get more "teamwork" involved into the game. If the groups that are capturing this camp were smart, they would heavily guard that area, so taking one is going to be hard for one man.

    The main thing I want however, is a steady database, so when I login, we aren't moved to a different part of the map then where we left off.

  6. Cross-server persistency' date=' the saving of a character's gear and position across servers, is a game mechanic that serves to cripple the potential emergent gameplay of the mod. As it stands, entropy has all the advantages in this mod and the collaborative efforts of a multitude of players can easily be undone by a few bandits abusing this game mechanic to their own ends.

    The mod must strike a balance between players valuing their character's lives and knowing that death is inevitable. Right now life has very little value, and as a consequence it is an expendable resource for causing disruption.

    This is not a rant against bandits. Bandits are great. Bandits are one of many facets that should grow organically out of the game mechanics, contextualized within the server environment. So please, do not mistake it for that.

    What are the effects of cross-server persistency?

    Value: No specific server has any inherent value. People may attempt to atrificially create value by limiting themselves to certain servers, but as long as it is artificial it will be ignored by the vast majority of players, making it worthless. The contents and players of a server, as well as their interaction with each other, is what creates value.

    Life doesn't have value, either. As the value of your character is tied to your gear, and you can have gear scattered across many servers and have the ability to bring these onto other servers, the value of ones life is drastically reduced.

    Emergent gameplay: This is gameplay where the players create the gameplay through utilizing very simple game mechanics to accomplish complex systems. An example of this is creating persistent entities within one server, such as safe zones. Although we are attempting this the problem lies with how players can compromise any entitiy on one server by using another server to teleport into location. This invalidates pretty much any attempt at creating most organizations, limiting the gameplay to bandits, roving clans, and survivors, all accomplishing just one feat; move and loot.

    Another picture could be one where various groups create territories, claim loot areas, engage in wars with other groups, where a rich and deep tapestry of player interaction can occur. And there's still room for the lone survivors and bandits. But this can't happen. Not with cross-server persistency. A single group of players with the aim of destroying these organizations can lay to dust the plans of dozens of organized groups.

    Economics: As people can transport equipment from one server onto another the internal economics of a server is dismantled. There is no value in controlling territory containing an abundance of medical supplies or military gear if you can just import it from another server anyway. Of course, the current spawn rates for equipment do a good job of undermining the economy already, but if you can get rare gear onto other servers you can again disrupt the inherent state of the server.


    What I think draws a lot of people to this game is the fact that behavior is not based on instructions from the game, but rather it is based on the players themselves, and cross-server persistency is undermining any expansion of this. Emergent gameplay is what will keep the mod fresh, and cross-server persistency will always keep that emergence on a one-dimensonal level.


    What are you talking about? Cross-Server persistency is what is making this mod happen. If you go onto that server browser now, most if not all DayZ servers are full. Joining ONE server to get to your character is not only troublesome, but just plain stupid.

    As for "no value" in a server, once again, what the hell are you talking about. You literally have to be careful with everything you do. Who you choose to talk to, who you choose to band with, where you choose to go. If you aren't careful, then you DIE.

  7. I am having fun with it! Its a BIG challenge to try and find supplies by yourself. The only bad thing about it is, Noobs are going to have an extremely tough time with this environment.

    I've played ARMA 2 enough to know which town I am in as soon as I enter the town. It isn't alien to me. I know the buildings to look for, I know the stairs to look for to channel zombies in.

    New players are going to play and their going to do one of two things. They will rage quit instantly then and there (or when they die) and get on these forums right here, register an account and make a thread in the Bug Reports section with a title of "ZOMBIE NUMBERS?!?!"


    They will spam chat (VOIP or just regular old typing chat) looking for people to group up with and constantly ask for help. That can get annoying quick.

    My opinion to solve this small problem is...

    1. Slightly reduce the amount of zombies, so that when a player spawns, they have a fighting chance of actually gathering supplies.

    2. Increase the chances of finding pistol ammo.

    3. Have a random gear %. So when they spawn, they don't spawn with a pistol, 5 mags of ammo, beans, water, and bandages, but they also have a chance to either start with a survival item (Compass, Map, Hunting Knife) or a primary gun with a small amount of ammo.

    That's my 2 cents. Like I said, I LOVE THIS MOD. Keep up with the great work and I'm looking forward to more awesomeness from the Dev team and the community!

    P.S. To new players reading this, I strongly recommend finding a good group of players to play this patch out. It is a good mod, but its a great mod when you have someone to play it with. Myself, I have a core group of at least 20 people heading into servers and working together to one goal.

