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Everything posted by ironman3112

  1. He most likely meant that he had just logged in, which is also spawning in
  2. ironman3112

    Why this mod is failing

    I watch Side Strafe play DayZ all the time, and he's not a bandit, he can be considered a "Nice Guy"
  3. ironman3112

    Why this mod is failing

    If you read what he said then you would realise that you have identified non-issues for the poster....L2READ = Literacy
  4. ironman3112

    Stream challenge with DinoRidingJesus

    kanye west is in the house xD quite funny
  5. ironman3112

    Admins that cry when they die (US 1621)

    and we have a winner! well...maybe not that...but uh...someone who makes sense at least
  6. ironman3112

    Hackers - What you need to know.

    this right here, and what helicopter hunter said, there is nothing wrong with expressing your opinion and discussing problems on a forum for a game in alpha...if you don't...then you're a bad alpha tester
  7. was lying down on the top of an office building, heard someone in the building so i figured i'd wait for them to leave and i just watched the ladder (the only way to the top of the building), then all of a sudden i got shot from behind even though i had been watching the ladder the whole time :/ i figured lag caused me to not see him come up...but it was quite tedious
  8. well down by the coast it definitely seems like a deathmatch, to me, it really seems like everyone shoots on sight, i'm sure that others have had similar experiences and that's why they call it a deathmatch
  9. ironman3112

    As long as I didn't hack it in right?

    i'd give my beans for this here, this is what i was thinking actually
  10. So that is the question, do you prefer working in a group? or playing as a lone wolf? Personally i just recently started playing with some of my extended family who also enjoy the game and i've found that the group experience feels a lot better than playing alone. I've found that playing as a group gives you the extra firepower to deal with threats in large cities and allows for more visual awareness of your surroundings. The downside to the group though is that you're easier to spot and that it takes more food to feed everyone, but if you manage to find a grocery store then you'll usually get enough food to last you a while, and if you're careful then being spotted isn't an issue.
  11. ironman3112

    Can't find the same servers

    this happens to me too when using the six updater, me and my friends usually just have to find another server to play on and check back another time to see if the server can be found, i can usually find the server again after a couple hours
  12. ironman3112


    cool cool, what server are you guys on?
  13. ironman3112

    How populated is Green Mountain?

    i would like to know what happened at this "green mountain", i went there once before to find nothing but zeds and dead bodies, checked out the tower, and nothing, after that i left and went farther north, does anyone know what happened?
  14. ironman3112

    Zeds...zombies...infected ooh my.

    walkers/zombies for the normal ones monkeys for the hopping/crouching one's crawlers for the one's that crawl
  15. ironman3112

    Law to Lawless Lands

    i'd be down for something like this, sounds cool, could probably get my cousin and bro to join too, can't wait to kill me some bandits
  16. ironman3112

    Bugs, Bandits and Life in Dayz

    Your entire post was a waste of internets, congratulations. da hur ba brrr.... *drool comes out of mouth * < yeah i can say nothing constructive of your post too
  17. The op makes a good point, it is an alpha but the hacks need to be fixed none the less, there's nothing wrong with voicing concerns about the issue and making sure it's brought up since it is an issue, and should as far as issues go the hacking should be a top priority
  18. as things stand right now you still need skill to kill players, if it takes longer to kill people then it will require less skill to survive (more skill to kill, less skill to survive) and Rocket is all about making this world a brutal world to survive in, so why would he make it easier to survive in? You're saying that we don't want to increase the amount of bullets it takes to kill because we're crappy shots, using the same logic i can assume that you want it to take more bullets to get killed because you're a crappy survivor
  19. okay, so if someone spots you...before you spot them...that is considered luck? if someone spots you before you spot them, it is completely your fault, luck plays a very minimal part, if you get shot up walking across a street, your fault for not scanning or scouting effectively , if you get shot for wandering through a forest or a field? you just got outsmarted by someone who set up overlooking said forest or field, or perhaps they were more stealthy and patient than you were, it doesn't come down to luck, a lot of it comes down to patience and whether or not you have the patience to make sure an area is safe before entering it. As far as being able to see 90 degrees and not seeing 270 degrees goes, you can hear in full 360 degrees, turn off the music and listen in areas carefully for sounds, if this doesn't help then work in a group so that you have more eyes scouting around. Edit: also, i find that pc gamers are a lot more skilled than xbox or any other platform of gamers, so their aim is going to be a lot better than on other consoles...it's a lot easier to aim with a keyboard and a mouse, We just don't want to have to waste all out ammo dropping a noob who's too careless to scout a town or field before entering
  20. ironman3112

    Arma update nerfed revolver?

    if the problem isn't affecting you, then that's fantastic, but there's a lot of people here that are having the problem, bigotry isn't the answer here
  21. this part bothers me "if you got jumped by a noob from behind you could turn around and take him out if you were good enough".....you're not very good if he jumps you from behind! if someone sneaks up on you, puts several bullets in your back, you are dead...gone..finito....not living...that's how it should be, how pissed would you be to go through all the trouble of stealthing up behind a guy to pump a full clip of makarov mags into his back to have him turn with his dmr,ak or whatever and kill you...probably pissed enough to complain about it on these forums here
  22. Arma itself is a military simulator that simulates combat at a realistic level, so the engine itself is a military sim, the morphine fixing bones and food lasting a couple hours was added in by rocket for the dayz mod, i think the combats perfect, if you're stupid enough to get caught in the open and the person spotting you doesn't have terrible accuracy then it should only take several bullets to take you down, the amount of bullets you can take probably hasn't changed from arma to this and arma's a combat/military simulator so it should be realistic. Plus on the other side, if you couldn't use morphine to fix broken bones and had to wait weeks for your bones to heal you'd be complaining about that.
  23. ironman3112

    US 839 Chicago teleport massacre

    JUST LOG OUT, that happened to me to twice, first time teleported to a field, second time teleported to a hangar
  24. ironman3112

    LU159 Admin keeping server private

    I really don't see how what you posted here furthers what this topic is about, you cannot defend what the server hosters were doing since they were obviously and blatantly violating the rules, thankfully they've apolagized and realized their errors but what you've said here just seems to be silly and out of place
  25. ironman3112

    GB #500 Hacked everyone teleported to deathmatch

    this happened to me earlier today, luckily i had just spawned and didn't have anything on me :/ seems to be a problem