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About nehmia

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. nehmia


    I like where this is going... I'd like to have you for dinner so we could discuss it more. :evilgrin: In seriousness, this is a delectable idea!
  2. nehmia

    friendly server

    OP, if you want a friendly server... host one. Email the staff saying you want to donate a server, and do whatever needs to be done to disable PVP. I do not agree with it, and think you're playing the wrong mod, but Rocket himself has said he wants the game to be what people make it to be. You and your idea may be unpopular (your offensive name and wanting to change a beloved mod's style form the norm), but you want something from it that others do not. So in that case, if no one here wants to take the effort to host a non PVP server, then you do it. If you can't, then research other zombie based missions for ARMA II CO that are non PVP. I do not know any myself. Or, play L4D/L4D2 or Dead Island.
  3. nehmia

    Washington D.C. Server

    Alexandria here, very cool. I'll check it out in a few hours.
  4. nehmia

    New Dedicated Machine Ordered!

    How were you able to get a dedicated line in an apartment building?
  5. nehmia

    About Zombie Numbers

    Why did you create a new thread if there are a lot of them already? Why not just reply in the existing threads with same topic? Now this topic is scattered all over the place' date=' and your new thread makes it even more scattered. You could had for example replied your opinion of this subject in one of these threads: The New Zombie Count is AWESOME New zombies are great! Good zombie amount.... with more ammo? Finally, zombies in between towns! Why more zombies is just what this mod needs More Zs = <3 Patch 1.5.7 and this being an Alpha and fucking zombie spawns I just think the forum becomes very messy and hard to read if everyone posts a new thread about the same subject. It seems you didn't read OP's post. His core topic is about playing as a lone wolf, and how it counters the more general view point of other players who play in groups. This isn't directly about there being more zombies, this post is about how the "lone wolf" type player is now finding it less fun to play. One of the attractive qualities of the mod is being able to survive, however there is a threat this mod could turn into a cluster of squads tanking through towns and annihilating... that's not "surviving" in the least, that's conquering... which IMO is not the point of this mod.