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About Daxin

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Daxin

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hey all, so I just valiantly saved my friend and got dropped to 3.5k blood and dropping fast. I gave him my ghillie and everything to look for a bandage in town to at least stop the bleeding and logged so I wouldn't die. We're currently located South of Zelengorsk near the high value barn. Can anyone lend a transfusion? Edit: Also a huge thanks to Joe for saving my ass earlier today. You were a huge help.
  2. Daxin

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm in desperate need of a transfusion, currently located in the forest between Komarova and Balota, I've managed to stop my own bleeding at about 4.5k blood. But me and my friend have no blood packs, we're going to head toward Bor to make things less dangerous for you. PLEASE contact me via steam (Daishin) or this forum ASAP. I can only pay back with some morphine and painkillers. But I really don't want to lose this AS50.