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About InsaneBob

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. InsaneBob

    Whats with my gpu?

    What is your CPU? Overclocking it could help more than overclocking your GPU. I was having a problem with only getting around 15-20 FPS. Tweaked the setting and would maybe gain or lose a couple of FPS. I had to underclock my CPU, because of a shitty fan, and had thought I had put it back to normal. I just stopped underclocking it yesterday and now get around 35-40 FPS. I would look at the your CPU first.
  2. InsaneBob

    Dayz Standalone

    I don't think so. That is, if they make DayZ for consoles. They want to see how well it sales on PC first, before they start on a console version.
  3. InsaneBob

    Dayz Standalone

    Sorry, that you bought a great game just for a mod. Which, if I'm correct, has been stated it was going to be a standalone for months and not require Arma 2.
  4. InsaneBob


    What are your settings at?
  5. InsaneBob


    First off, do you have a weapon? Can you look at your gear?
  6. InsaneBob

    CD Key in use ?

    You left a server to join a friends server. Correct? Then you hit no when BattleEye needed you to hit a button in the OA filter. I'm slightly confused on that one. I have never had to press a button for BattleEye when leaving a server. Were you installing the game?
  7. Hit ESC and press respawn. That should kill you.
  8. InsaneBob

    Stage of game

    You really are missing out on a great mod.