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Everything posted by theoneIegion

  1. theoneIegion

    Cowardly players (SoGG Clan.)

    no thank you :)
  2. Yeah, i used my alt to check the cords and a sniper shot me ;( oh well didnt have any loot. :)
  3. Looks like a .....TRAP!!!!!
  4. theoneIegion

    ATTENTION All players:

    Just one question OP. Why dont you go on a one man rampage to avenge that treachery, like i did, when the evil invisible Moon men came and stole my babies? - Apple pie
  5. theoneIegion

    ATTENTION All players:

    I Feel for you bro. :(
  6. Yay more helicopter crashsites! Aww to bad those dont spawn loot. :(
  7. theoneIegion

    Duz i b hakkin?

    1 L1K3 C4K3. XDXD
  8. theoneIegion

    My idears.

    I loled?
  9. theoneIegion

    FN FAL Spawnrate?

    Ive been Looting Helicrashsites for a while now(about 30) and noticed that most of them always spawn a FN FAL, although it only has a 0,86% spawnrate according to the dayzwiki. Is the Wiki wrong or am i just lucky(or unlucky)?