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Everything posted by Pigeoneer

  1. So a few days ago I bought Arma 2: CO from steam and installed DayZ using Six Launcher following these instructions ->http://dayzwiki.com/..._install_DayZ�� Then after installing I got in to a server and tried the game for a bit and after a 30 minute search for loot I got shot in the head looting a corpse :D. So the next day, my friend asks me to play and when I log in to a server I get a black screen with "Wait for host" that never leaves. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling everything, verifying the arma files and no help. Can someone find a fix soon?
  2. Pigeoneer

    Wait for host problem!

    Ok, sorry for taking this long, I have had loads of things to do, but anyways. What ended up working was just waiting for the new patch and after reinstalling BattlEye and the beta patch the game started running. Thanks for the support!
  3. Pigeoneer

    Wait for host problem!

    Ok so I tried updating everything and joining different servers, but nothing worked so finally I tried installing DayZ through the Steam installation and it actually worked for a while and I got to play for a while but now I have a new problem: Whenever I try join any server, doe'sent matter how full, what ping, no matter the settings, it just always says "Connecting Failed" and kicks me back to the in game browser. Right now I am getting really desperate 'cause having tried both six launcher and all the alternatives and having none of them work is really frustrating..