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Everything posted by Flipbed

  1. Hey! Havent played in about 2 months now and thought I would start playing again. But when joining servers all that happends is that I am stuck at creating character and it loads forever. Have tried about 4 different servers. I have updated the DayZ files to the latest version. Any ideas what to do?
  2. Flipbed

    Stuck at "creating character"

    Noone who knows why this happends?
  3. Flipbed

    Stand Alone Ideas

    I think the shop thing could work. But no real world money should be allowed. What whould be awesome is that all players could start with a small amount of money and decide for themselves what startingitems they want for their cash. Maybe some people dont want a flashlight but more food instead. Or maybe someone wants to start with a handgun and no food or flashlight.
  4. Find a nearby town, and look at the signs. Then use http://www.arma2.com/arma-2-chernarus/map-of-chernarus_en.html to find out witch direction to go :) Glhf
  5. Flipbed

    Compressed day/night cycle?

    Sounds good with about 4h day cyckles. Realism is great, but its a game still and it should be fun to play first and realistic second :)
  6. Flipbed

    Thoughts about Zombie Numbers

    More meele weapons would be nice. Chased by 1 zombie and no ammo = death right now. A knife would make a difference.
  7. Its cool that there are more zombies but what I dont like is the "infinite spawn" of zombies. Lets say its 50 zombies in a small town with about 10 houses. Me and my friend accidently attracted them and started running for the docs. We then saw that the zombies were stuck at the edge of the harbor docs and couldnt get to us. So we had a great moment to find out how the zombies behave when people are shooting at the outskirts of a village. What we found out though was a horrifying truth. The zombies are infinitly spawning with very short timers. Since we could stand close without them killing us we killed each and every zombie with one shot. After about 50 zombies dead we didnt have any more ammo but there were even more zombies there than when the first were attracted from the shots. What im trying to say here is that there should be many zombies. But a respawn timer at about 1 minute is WAAAAY too short. Many zombies but with LONG respawn. If someone just have cleaned a town out then let it be clean for atleast 1h or so. Same with item respawn. This will force players to search other towns or try to find things to scavage that the players before them didnt find.