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Gnar (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Gnar (DayZ)

  1. I've tried to join just about every group out there it seems, and they are just all noobs. They all want to play on low pop servers, in the day time, on regular, with nameplates on, and they all exploit the game and run around aimlessly dying. Besides the fact that they have like 20 ppl in the lobby yelling over each other. Needless to say I'm done with that. Now if you want a real group, who is going to find a server, dig down into it, reap the vehicle spawns and attempt to set up camp, well that's what we are going to be doing. A RL friend and I are Americans living on the east coast. We play late at night, well into the morning most dayz, and are total pot heads. We have A LOT of fun but we are serious about DayZ. We don't waste time running aimlessly to die in a town on the other side of the map. We use our resources, find our location, move to vehicle and crash-site spawns, and we watch the tree lines. We don't die and we don't stop. I am looking to have at most 5 in our group at a time, however, with conflicting schedules we will probably have more total. We are looking for: -Experienced players: Are you experienced? You know where you are at all times. You don't get lost in the woods, and can tell your direction at any given time. You know the names of the towns, and there whereabouts on the map. Establishing yourself is as easy as getting a hatchet. -Speak English. -Skype only. That is all. Post or pm me with skype info.
  2. Gnar (DayZ)

    Looking for good players..

    Haven't seen you yet :P requesting
  3. Gnar (DayZ)

    Dishonest Traders

    lol posting on the internet requires no such thing. Now to attempt to make a trade in DayZ.. that might take something.. not sure if it's balls..
  4. I'm looking for people just like you. I have been through at least 10 people with no luck.. Let's make a group. Read my post.. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/61237-looking-for-good-players/
  5. Did you seriously just rip my post completely? http://dayzmod.com/f...r-good-players/ what a joke! rofl I remember this guy now. lol Rexx on skype. We chatted for like an hour before he starts getting pushy about if I have a camp and what gear and vehicles. LOL He got mad when I wouldn't just give him stuff. I removed him from skype and ignored him. HAHA and he copies exactly my post in the link LFG. These are the kind of tools that play this game and why I posted lol looking for experienced players..
  6. Gnar (DayZ)

    Looking for good players..

    Ok, so it looks like I need to reiterate that I am LOOKING FOR EXPERIENCED PLAYERS. I even left a few guidelines on what makes you an experienced player, and everyone that joined had no clue of their direction on the map. When I told them I am near Zeleneogorsk, they ask where its at on the map, and have never even been to some of the out of game online maps such as http://dayzdb.com/map#4.020.100 or any of them for that matter! I mean WTF If you are going to come play with me know your directions people. I'm not waiting an hour for you to get your bearings. Now I don't mind if you just spawned.. I can have an alice pack with at least a m1911 in about 15 mins of game play and seriously that's all you need to go hunt for cars. Anyways.. continue posting or pming your skype, and I will continue to sift through the inept players.
  7. Gnar (DayZ)

    Looking for good players..

    Whats your skype? To others, check your skype. Requests have been sent.
  8. Gnar (DayZ)

    Looking for good players..

    ts, skype, or vent.
  9. Gnar (DayZ)

    Looking for good players..

    Could work. Want to play right now? We play during the day frequently as well but night is our main time.
  10. I'm an experienced American player looking for a partner or three. Experienced players only please. I would like to get a car together and hop crash spawns tonight. Who knows? -Must have skype -Must not be a gayfer (yeah I'm bringing that one back) Lets go I'm ready to play.
  11. Gnar (DayZ)

    LF a few players

    Hey man. I'm 22 on the east coast representing for the ATL. I'm on skype: Omdubs
  12. Looking for about 4 people to recover cars and farm downed helicopters. I am pretty experienced, and don't mind if you are new because I can teach you pretty quick. i require that you have skype and a mic and want to play asap. Me and one other are in game right now. Reply with skype.
  13. Gnar (DayZ)

    Putting together very small survivor group

    I'm in. I live in ATL Georgia. Eastern timezone UTC -5. I play a lot. I have had numerous vehicles and currently carry an aws. I play stealthy, moving from car spawn to car spawn, never shining a light. I find one, and move from downed chopper to chopper looking for gear. I use skype. Let me know. Why do I want to join? My RL friend just went on vacation so now Im rolling solo. Need ppl to help fix cars. A team of about 4-5 sounds right.
  14. Gnar (DayZ)

    Advanced player LFG

    Sweet I want in. 22 east coast USA lfg
  15. Gnar (DayZ)

    looking for more people

  16. Gnar (DayZ)

    Starting Tactical DayZ Group

    I am also looking for a tactical group. A RL friend and I have become proficient at finding, repairing, and driving vehicles. We have stored many but eventually lose them due to lack of man power. We have the same goals. Let me know whats up. Skype: Omdubs
  17. Gnar (DayZ)

    Bored of Surviving Alone...?

    you still playing? rocking solo here iso good friends. add me on skype omdubs
  18. I've been playing Day Z quite extensively for the last month or so, and am looking for more people to play with. Looking for players with mics only. I have skype/vent/ts3, and am quite good at the game I would say. I really enjoy playing on servers with 3rd person view off and cross hairs off as well, although, I would be willing to play on any server as long as the ping is < 100. Let me know if you wanna destroy some kids with me.
  19. I'm from US. Looking for a good group to run with. I'm 22, and I live in ATL GA. I joined your group.
  20. Gnar (DayZ)

    Looking for teammate

    Request sent.
  21. Me and a rl buddy have been playing dayz for a bit now and have become pretty proficient at finding vehicles, weapons, downed choppers and surviving. We in-vision a camp set up with multiple tents a few cars, and a good group of active players to keep our gear protected. We like high population servers and generally play veteran 3d:1 ch:0 np:0 servers. We use skype, but have vent and, team speak as well. Let me know if you're interested and we will group up.
  22. Gnar (DayZ)

    Lets Get a Srs Group Together

    Sorry I meant to mention that. We live in Atlanta Georgia in the US.
  23. I'm looking for players too. I sent you an invite. Your English looks flawless. I am from ATL GA in the US of A. Lets kill some zombies!
  24. Gnar (DayZ)

    Need a party!

    im in