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Everything posted by tonybravo

  1. I saw one guy have this gun and now im looking for it. If you got it pls pm me! got really nice loot to offer :)
  2. I just found two soldier clothing in an huge camp. I know they are not legit, but im also know that you wont get banned by using hacked items. So i just wondering if anyone want these?
  3. tonybravo

    I need

    Join my ts3 ts3d0m.dyndns.org:9373 :no password right click on room named "server info" and then browse files or something. You can download it there
  4. tonybravo

    Raiding a camp on CA 11

    There is no loot in the tents :D?
  5. DayZ - LU319 ( (Veteran|3D:ON|CH:OFF) dayzmod.com - [uTC -3] DayZ DK Group IP: An new dayz server, if you want a fresh start, with vehicles and new people, then you should take a look on LU319. Join our teamspeak server, if you want to be in contact with other players on the server. Teamspeak:ts3d0m.dyndns.org:9373 :no password Many danish people are playing on the server right now, but all nationalities are more then welcome! LET THE VEHICLE HUNTING BEGIN!
  6. When people try to get beans for there topic!
  7. When you start shooting people, and try to be a bandit
  8. its just stupid to update now,,,,,,, always wait to the update have been hotfixed, else you will get these bugs.
  9. tonybravo

    Hackerattack, what can i do?

    talk to an admin, and take a screenshot/video
  10. tonybravo

    Artifacts. Still here.

    do flush :)
  11. Villayer cant update it right now, we waiting for villayer :) And yes you keep the loot you have now! :)
  12. tonybravo

    Flip ATV

    Wait for server restart :)
  13. dont update.. stay on 95417 the best betapatch right no
  14. tonybravo

    Danish Youtube Series - 'Stories of DayZ'

    Join lu 319, en dansk server :) hvor vi en del der spiller på
  15. Got enough offers on pm, so its fine guys :)
  16. just found these in an big camp, with 40-50 tents and all weapons and shit .D is these legit?
  17. just found these in an big camp, with 40-50 tents and all weapons and shit .D is these legit?
  18. just found these in an big camp, with 40-50 tents and all weapons and shit .D is these legit?
  19. just found these in an big camp, with 40-50 tents and all weapons and shit .D
  20. tonybravo

    No vehicles spawning

    The server code is over 1000 i think, then will vehicles not spwan.