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captain scarlet

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About captain scarlet

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    On the Coast
  1. captain scarlet

    "You are V1.3.3" issue after connecting to server

    Just to update, having just reinstalled Arma 2, after uninstalling/deleted all related files that I could find, etc, and then redownloading the mod and installing that correctly, I still have the same problem. Also, before I did that, I removed the mod folder and started the game, it still had the option for @DayZ in the extensions menu. And I don't know if other people get it, but in that extensions menu I have two options; "@dayz", and seperately "DayZ". I'm not sure if that's indicative of a problem. Thanks again in advance if anyone has any ideas about what my problem might be. Thanks, Scarlet
  2. captain scarlet

    "You are V1.3.3" issue after connecting to server

    Not as far as I can tell - although I'm not sure if my installation is standard, since I've apparently got Arma 2 and OA installed in the same directory. It not reading the one I updated is what I thought might be happening, although given the above I'm not sure where - I might just try deleting the stuff in the DayZ addons folder that I've updated, just to see if it is loading from somewhere else :p Thanks for the help anyway :)
  3. Hi, I've been having an issue for the last couple of days where - even after removing all the files in @dayz/addons, and redownloading them/extracting them there, from several sources - after joining a server, I go through all the 'loading', 'recieving', etc, until I spawn on that hillside - with a slightly messed up HUD - before the message: "You are running an incorrect version of Dayz_code (you are v1.3.3, and the server is vsurvivor1_DZ)" Appears (more or less as I put above). As I say, I've completely redownloaded/installed the mod several times, and I have the file structure correct. So I've no idea what's happening :( I saw someone else with this issue in an earlier thread, who said it went away when he updated to V1.4.7 - no luck for me, though, and that's obviously an old version. I've played before (I can't remember the last workable version, sorry) so I know my system is capable. Am I missing anything? Thanks in advance for any response! Scarlet NB: Current version: v1.4.23 Several different servers, in different geographic locations