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About NukeLord

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  1. NukeLord

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    If he's using addWeapon scripts report his ass to Rocket. It'll cost him another $23.99 to hack.
  2. Hehe- what if they introduced bikini skins? Or even better- Children skins?
  3. Yeah- best to be true to oneself!
  4. First off, i'm a guy. I wanted to try an experiment with KoS mentality and if picking a female skin would help me not get shot immediately (working under some bizarre assumption that cold-blooded killers will hesitate when they see a pony tail). So, I picked the female skin and actually did quite well for myself. I was fully geared up- NVG's...etc.. the works.. silenced M4. In fact- the best life i've had in DayZ to date. Well, here's the sad part. I found a ghillie suit and it said "sorry, female chars. can't wear ghillies!!" Well, i'm just sad now. I wanted to wookie around and all that good stuff. I devised a plan. I told my buddy- shoot me in the head and I'll respawn and come grab my stuff. This time i'll be a male (bandit sentiments be damed!) and so i'll be able to rock my chewie garb. Well, luck has it i respawn 2 klicks from my dropped gear! What luck! I start sprinting back to my stuff and when i'm 100 m away- the fucking server restarts. I lost everything. So. Long story short. FML. Being a lady was fun for a bit- but damnit anyway.
  5. NukeLord

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Snortan and his bodyguard came and supplied me with 2 canteens full of water! Life saver! White list him if he isn't already- he's trust worthy.... and to potential bandits- he's fully armed and has guards so don't mess! thanks again!
  6. NukeLord

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hello! I'm online now and still north of Balota. If anyone can spare 2 cans of pop for blood bags?
  7. NukeLord

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hey there trusty Medics, Easy fix for a big reward: My self and my buddy are about half a klick north of Balota airfield (.5 KM for the laymen) hanging out in the trees. We've got blood and other medical supplies, not to mention are well equipped to defend ourselves.. Sad thing is, were dying of thirst. Both of us are flashing red and could really use a can of pop each. We just need something to keep us alive long enough to get some more water. If you have a spare canteen, that would be even better! I won't be on until about 5:30 PM CST (GMT -6), United States. If anyone can bring us 2 cans of pop we can give blood bags! If you can give us a canteen, we could sing you a song too. :) Please PM me through this forum and we can exchange Steam account names/ Skype names. Thanks in advance!
  8. NukeLord

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Never mind, Some bandit just found me and shot me into oblivion. Didnt' even call friendly.......................... Some dayz... this game...
  9. NukeLord

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    yeah! if you can make it to NWAF. I'm stuck inside a barracks. I barbed it up so zed can't get at me. I'll PM you my server.
  10. NukeLord

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm not an approved medic, but i will put my weapons down before we meet up if you want. It's hard to establish a good reputation in this mod...but i'm working on it! Let me know if you are willing, if not, i understand. I'm actually awaiting medical assistance near the NWAF.
  11. NukeLord

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I have a blood bag and really need a blood transfusion. I am at the NW Airfield holed up in a barracks. I realize medics don't like coming to NWAF, for good reason. I can leave and meet up. If it's any consolation, the server I am on only has 10 people and they are dying continuously on the coast (noobs). Let me know if you can assist. Thanks! I have supplies for trade.
  12. NukeLord

    SWIMMING ZOMBIES? - DayZ - Part 1 (w/ Drew)

    What are you using to record? I'm interested in recording this so I can show my buddies. I want them to get hooked on this so I can have a group of people to run with. *rubs hands together mischieviously*
  13. NukeLord

    Night time doesn't serve a purpose

    I'll admit. The second the sun goes down I'm hopping on servers across the pond. However, when I get my hands on some tasty NVG's.... I will only play on Night servers. Then punk ass bandits can't get me unless they're appropriatly equipped for the job. Keep night the way it is. It's supposed to be end-all-fuck-my-life hard. #RocketAntiGaming
  14. NukeLord

    I am a beginner. Tips?

    Google a sweet map to alt-tab to. Learn to read a topographic map and orientate based on objects in your environment. Hills are the best indicator of position, valleys too.. Powerlines, surprisingly helpful as well. Also, the clouds only move East to West. (as far as I've noticed, I could be wrong). If you're logged in at night, DO NOT turn on a flashlight, or use a chem/road flare. This is an invitation for trouble from both Zed and Bandits. Use the Big Dipper (for us 'muricans, Ursa Major to the rest of the world) as your beacon to the North. Best advice I've seen: don't get attached to your equipment.
  15. NukeLord

    Worst Game Experience ever

    This is my second week playing DayZ. Probably logged... 20-30 hours. Died probably 15 times for all sorts of reasons...most of which were mentioned above until I learned to avoid those situations. My only point to make here is this: I heard about DayZ from a friend, I read about it online, got a raging hard on at the thought and rushed to Steam to buy Arma 2. (haven't even tried arma 2 vanilla, but i'm stoked to eventually play it) Logged in- died like a noob. Instead of flaming about it here's what I did. I started trolling forums. I went to youtube and watched the how-to's, I went on Arma 2 and played the bootcamp for control basics. I have,honestly, spent more time researching and learning about this game than actual play time. Sounds ridiculous? Yeah, probably. But guess what, it paid off. Now, I know what to do and what not to do. I know where loot is or where it should be when I haven't even visited that spot before. I know to be sneaky at all times, discharge a loud weapon only if I absolutely have to. (pro- tip, jumping fences will ditch zed easily- it's almost a joke. I'd like to see scarier Zed.) It's the learning curve of this game and it's merciless necessity to know what you are doing before you actually do it that appeals to me. PC gaming>console gaming, this game just further separates the weak willed from the strong. It's a mentality, get into the immersion of this game. I'm a total nerd about this shit and now i find myself walking IRL thinking.... I bet I could hole up in there and find supplies... shit, that pond is a good source of fresh water...I wonder where I could obtain a winchester in this town.... You really can't compare this game to any other. I like Rocket's quote on it being an anti-game. Nothing makes me scream FUUUU harder than 3 hours of belly crawling for awesome loot to only get shot in the back by a PK'er. What do I do? I learned my lesson and I check my six every time i stop moving. I stop moving swiftly, using trees at all times when I can. Take a deep breath- DayZ is worth the patience... EDIT: TL;DR Don't rage- just engage (your google search engine)