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Posts posted by bulletbeard

  1. Also more generally I'm looking for a group that can play regularly weekdays between 8:30 and midnight EST, and weekends from like noon or so til midnight

    I might be interested. You can add me on steam: mr_phreebird alias is My Bologna or skype: bologna.sammich . I am having frames issues atm, so I might not be available until tomorrow. You can still send an invite or pm the server you are on and i'll try to meet you

  2. I'm on a lot through the day, so if you catch me on and want to play, just shoot me an invite. I probably wont be on much after the 16th though, classes start then. Steam is either mr_phreebird or My Bologna (IDK which appears when searching)

    • Like 1

  3. I am looking for someone who isn't afraid to goof around and have fun. I am new to PC gaming and slowly adjusting; I have never used this headset on pc so I don't really know how the quality of my mic is, hopefully it's acceptable. I am EST US, but anyone can invite me to play and I'll join. Mic not required and age doesn't matter (I am 21). Feel free to add me Steam: mr_phreebird Skype: bologna.sammich . I currently have a DMR w/5 or so mags and M16 w/4 mags. You can have either, or if you want to start fresh, I'm sure I can find someone to send me back to the coast.

  4. -Update-

    I have acquired Arma II CO + Day Z by certain means to test it's playablity on my setup. There were only 10-15 players in this server and around 200 zombies, so I'm sure my results are a little higher than what I will experience in an official server. In the forests/on the coast I averaged 37-43 FPS; in Elektro with 2 other survivors and a massive horde 23-30 FPS. All settings are on low with 1280 resolution for both. I'm sure that once I purchase and get on an official server, my FPS will drop, but it should be entirely playable.

  5. Let me start by saying hello to the Dayz Forum. My question is, can I play Day Z on lowest setting with a somewhat steady FPS on this system? I plan on using Arma II free + OA to avoid the higher texture resolutions to (hopefully) boost performance. I get a steady 30 FPS playing Arma II Free's Dynamic Zombie Sandbox mission at the moment.

    My crappy specs:

    CPU: Intel core 2 duo P7350 @ 2.00 GHZ (pc has touch-button overclock feature @2.33 ghz)

    Video card: Nvidia Geforce GT 130M 512mb video RAM

    4 GB RAM

    Win 7 32bit

    Please don't give a generic response that links me to can you run it. I did test Arma II there and passed min requirements, but failed Arma II Operation Arrowhead due to cpu. I apologize for bringing another thread like this, but I really dont want to spend money on something I cant use. Thanks in advance - Bologna
