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About bulletbeard

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I might be interested. You can add me on steam: mr_phreebird alias is My Bologna or skype: bologna.sammich . I am having frames issues atm, so I might not be available until tomorrow. You can still send an invite or pm the server you are on and i'll try to meet you
  2. I'm quite a ways from there (stary sobor) but I can bring some cooked meat if that will help. It will just take a while to get there, provided I don't meet my demise on the journey. Just let me know the server and time you will be on.
  3. bulletbeard

    "Older" Players

    I'm on a lot through the day, so if you catch me on and want to play, just shoot me an invite. I probably wont be on much after the 16th though, classes start then. Steam is either mr_phreebird or My Bologna (IDK which appears when searching)
  4. I am looking for someone who isn't afraid to goof around and have fun. I am new to PC gaming and slowly adjusting; I have never used this headset on pc so I don't really know how the quality of my mic is, hopefully it's acceptable. I am EST US, but anyone can invite me to play and I'll join. Mic not required and age doesn't matter (I am 21). Feel free to add me Steam: mr_phreebird Skype: bologna.sammich . I currently have a DMR w/5 or so mags and M16 w/4 mags. You can have either, or if you want to start fresh, I'm sure I can find someone to send me back to the coast.
  5. bulletbeard

    Low-end notebook...

    -Update- I have acquired Arma II CO + Day Z by certain means to test it's playablity on my setup. There were only 10-15 players in this server and around 200 zombies, so I'm sure my results are a little higher than what I will experience in an official server. In the forests/on the coast I averaged 37-43 FPS; in Elektro with 2 other survivors and a massive horde 23-30 FPS. All settings are on low with 1280 resolution for both. I'm sure that once I purchase and get on an official server, my FPS will drop, but it should be entirely playable.
  6. bulletbeard

    Low-end notebook...

    Let me start by saying hello to the Dayz Forum. My question is, can I play Day Z on lowest setting with a somewhat steady FPS on this system? I plan on using Arma II free + OA to avoid the higher texture resolutions to (hopefully) boost performance. I get a steady 30 FPS playing Arma II Free's Dynamic Zombie Sandbox mission at the moment. My crappy specs: CPU: Intel core 2 duo P7350 @ 2.00 GHZ (pc has touch-button overclock feature @2.33 ghz) Video card: Nvidia Geforce GT 130M 512mb video RAM 4 GB RAM Win 7 32bit Please don't give a generic response that links me to can you run it. I did test Arma II there and passed min requirements, but failed Arma II Operation Arrowhead due to cpu. I apologize for bringing another thread like this, but I really dont want to spend money on something I cant use. Thanks in advance - Bologna