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Everything posted by Keurk

  1. Keurk

    Found a tent... Now What??

    if there is shit inside, you can loot it.If you want to use it, you can put your shit in the tent.You cannot take the tent if the tent is already built up
  2. thoses both posts are weird... there is point grouping with people , and grouping with people do not means you are not exposed to danger, because you are. A single player can popcorn your group if you are not alert. Point having a group? really ? do you play this game? -bloodtransfusion -harvest materials with number to repair vehicle (or maybe you found a way to carry 4 wheel engine fuel and some others shits in 1 travel ?) -cover your buddies, help them , they do the same. Specialise. Extra ammo in someone bag, extra medicals supplies in someone else. Play a role. separate to investigate buildings, cover a place, ambush. -get 2 vehicles and scoot the map to find groundvehicles/players bases/choppers/ tents -secure materials when one of your friend is killed , send a guy to meet with the killed guy to bring him to your location faster etc etc ... to do this, you don't need ingame mechanics, you just need to socialise. G E T F R I E N D S
  3. Keurk

    Broken bones ... only one way to fix!

    you can find morphine in lot of place imo, get used to. If you play with friends,make someone specialize in medik with a bag full of supplies but still you have to always have at least 1bandage and 1 morphine on you.Painkiller is important too but you can still run without it.
  4. Keurk

    I come here to complaint.

  5. Keurk

    Throwing objects: how and why?

    like you trow flares: switch with F key (per default) btw your weapons modes (auto/rafale/semi) and with the items you got in your main inventory: grenades ,smocke grenades, and Tin cans, empty cans ,etc
  6. Do you have the Arma II Free?
  7. Keurk

    Is Balota usually camped?

    the military camp tents are empty , only the 4 deer stands got loots in balota. meeting someone on the airfield will depend of your luck, but going there will greatly increase the probability of your death
  8. Keurk

    Petition to spawn with a weapon!

    i 'd burn this thread
  9. Keurk

    Bizarre (but funny) Day Z Hacker

    i really want fog like this in some place ,thats awesome for a survival game !
  10. yesterday, longer alive was 72hours, or 2 days ago i can't remember i took too much drugs
  11. GOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL http://www.cyberpunkreview.com/images/cyborg05.jpg -
  12. first, fix the abusive disconnections everywhere before thinking on a building
  13. Keurk

    New zombie AI not fun.

    but...what? we had lot of fun yesterday with friends playing gainst the new uber zombies.Wtf you talking about? hoooo i see, YOU feel it's not fun ! cool story
  14. go away, far far away... Ho ,and btw, we'll not let you know, you should be able to find the informations you need by yourself
  15. welcome to the darkside bro
  16. Keurk

    Master Computer just to use

    edit nevermind ,im at work and just saw the previous posts
  17. Keurk

    WARNING: Do not install!

    this people forgive they are not playing ,they are testing. One update needs tweaks ? play it and feedbacks it, don't revert to the previous version to have fun. + there is people doing this and still complaining about how unplayable is the last patches...seriously they should be banned for such attitude.
  18. Keurk

    Most Wanted Bandits

    1 5118941 Waka Flocka Wayne 290 No 290 is the number of murder the guy made in one toon life. Seriously , ban the hackers
  19. http://tnation.t-nation.com/forum_images/c/e/ce42f_ORIG-this_thread_again.jpg