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Everything posted by Keurk

  1. destroy ennemis base, stalk ennmies (bandits, survivor, depend on you ) try to build vehicle / steal vehicle / destroy your ennemis vehicles. Try frapsing while you kill admins so lot of them will kick you and you can report them, thats so much fun *_* Get chopper Try to get the rocket launcher Make nice movies, rp moments stuff like that ... you know, sandbox?
  2. Keurk

    sniper with silencer?

    i found a bison in a crashed heli, but only 1 magazine. And since i never found any bisons mags in 2 months except this one, i just shot the 64 bullets and droped it.
  3. Keurk

    Need Help for buying

    if you take the free arma, the game will run but YOULL NOT HAVE THE FULL HD TEXTURES here an example with arma 2 free: Shot at 2012-06-15 with arma 2 FULL VERSION Shot at 2012-06-19 (just watch for the hands details)
  4. XD i gear up in 10 minutes with basic gears ( revolver/makarov/1911 and czsh BP/Alicepack) ANY times i respawn. 15 minutes maximum. =get better ... the simple fact you have to find gear at spawn is FUN, if you don't find it funny, you'll prolly never have fun in this game
  5. Keurk

    To the Lovely member of DES at NY68

    HAHAHA, people talking bout luck here are REALLY MAD XD you just got owned, completly, and that was awesome ^^
  6. Keurk

    I challenge you to survive !!!

    thats awesome^^
  7. I'm not too keen on my character being locked to one server, I think that's very restrictive. i agree, but i couldnt figure an easier fix. Yes its restrictive. But it will increase the feeling of a "persistent world". We'"ll see how the Devs manage to fix this, im pretty sure they have something interesting and not that restrictive in mind! i hope!
  8. there is something wrong with server hooping. Not only about loots, but about players bases. With server hoop, you'll never be able , in a meaningfull way, to build and protect a player base. Exemple: i put sandbags and wire to block the entrance of my base. In all logic, players who want to enter my base have to get the propers tools to cut the wire ,etc ,so they can get in. Now, they just can log into another server where the same place will not be protected with wire and shit, then logback INTO your "safe" base you well protected. Thats weird mechanics. There is a server using his own database (EU BIGBOO). It should be the same for all the servers imo, no more server hoop ,complete fix for all of this. People will not even be able to rollback after abusive ALT F4 cause any servers they'll join they'll have an other toon to play specially on this server.
  9. Keurk

    Log in, see this:

    soemtime, smockes grenades are buggy and destroy buildings, it happened few times to me
  10. haha' date=' i feel your pain brother. unfortunately its probably in vain. after all of my years as a competitive shooter, us army, and weapons instructor... general population still wont get it. there just isnt that respect for weapons, because most of the kids on this game have never had the great experience to handle/fire any of them. [/quote'] weapon doesnt deserve any respect, as much as people using it in real life. Fucking asshole.
  11. Keurk

    Game cannot survive!

    cool story, you teach us what hackers are. Thanks ,we didnt know
  12. yup i like it, and i support your work ! im working on something simillar atm too ;)
  13. Escape / Option / Gameoption / turn shakyhead down
  14. Keurk

    Leaving Mod for now

    Really? in the 21 century, where you can see everything you need on the internet about the game you bought years after the release, you still find a retarded reason to ask for a refund? ... ask yourself who's the bitch. I hope you understand how your attitude is...
  15. yup, get beta, and post here if it worked for you guys so more people know ! ;)
  16. Keurk


    XD the guy dosn't even have the game and call someone else a noob... XD man ,the thread you made is the perfect exemple of trolling, and now we will feed ourselves, for ever and the following one now have some fun waiting for the game to download.I hope your internet will crash due to a storm and you'll maybe play monday
  17. this is your story.You guys hate bandits? like legacy perfectly said, do something bout it. You can't remove a mechanic only because you don't like it. and in a full loot open world with pvp, you can't ask so closed mind stuff,specially in a sandbox. Some people don't even read patch note and still complain."ho, make something to detect bandits".Now you have the heart sound when you target bandits since days..morrons(i didnt say carebears cod kiddies hoyeahhhh!!!!).Enjoy.
  18. if only it was enough to punish the tards noobs
  19. it ll not happen.You see,thats all of you crybabies guys making a thread anytimes you are killed who show this game is special and deserve better players,with better patience. I remember the old games,wheres players enjouyed difficult games, the most difficult it was the best it was Since 10years, the gamedevs made babysittor games taking their players as milkcows ,moneymoneymoney. Few devs,rocket one of them, try to put something original and difficult ,full loot open world with permdeath and unsafes places.What did you expected ? its not cause you are killed by players than the game is a deathmatch. Simple to understand no? a deathmatch is a gamemode where you have to kill people to win. Do you win the round here?no. cause its a fucking sandbox and its your fucking story. If you dont want to play it like that THATS YOUR STORY. Why people should accept your playstyle and you dont accept their playstyle? I know ppl who try to help, who die trying i know ppl who try to avoid players. I know people who play for pvp only i know ppl trying to kill as much zed as possible AND YOU? I KNOW YOU SHOULD PLAY A SINGLEPLAYER GAME CAUSE YOU NEED A FUCKING ALL-MADE STORY since you are not able to make your own
  20. Keurk

    My first experience of DayZ

    what ppl call griefer is an intended part of the gameplay,dont listen to thoses idiots they will call griefer all the players who got another playstyle. 3dayswithout a gun? you must be really bad at this game. PM me if you need help tho!!!!or goodluck somewhere else