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Everything posted by Keurk

  1. logout timer : 15 or 20sec if you break the timer / hard disconnect : 40 sec -1 minute
  2. Keurk

    Can you Take Ghillie Suit off a Body?

    No you can't loot Gsuite on someone if he was wearing it
  3. Need more kind of infected stuffs and monstruozities imho :p to make the world far far harder so the pve is almost as dangerous than the players
  4. ho yes ,of course, the video on the OFFICIAL DAYZ WEBSITE dozn't show anything about 4 players shooting themselves and a big fucking P A R A N O I A written WHITE on BLACK ... this mod's made to make you go insane, and it works fine XD
  5. Keurk

    Do teleporting hacks exist? US 131

    and? i only had NVG 2 times since i play , and found in almost complete darkness a bunch of shit. So ? im a hacker? Btw, the fact the OP don't saw the guy shooting him do not means at all he didnt because of night. When you are shot, you don't stay like a flower watching 360° for age , you fucking run and hide and heal yourself before trying to know where is the shooter, and how to take him down.
  6. Keurk

    Rocket Disciplined for 1.7.1

    oO find me a game /mod were the CEO write 23 posts in a week
  7. you jump on conclusion imo. we experienced same DC before and after the recent changes. + its F U N finding your loots in this game, have the pleasure to find it ,etc. So ,in your logic you think its a bad thing, in mine respawning without a gun make me have fun finding every single items i need, and so less rage from my last death. You see, thats a PoV thing mostly
  8. Keurk

    Starry Sober.....

    thats cool ;)
  9. Keurk

    Is duping officially allowed?

    dupe = cheat = report .Alpha or not.
  10. 2 IRL friends, and 16 gaming friends. 8 french and 8 worldwide so 18
  11. Hate isnt orgasmic if you keep it for yourself
  12. Keurk

    So, what are you wearing? ;)

    He means in real life.... yes, im in debug forest in real life.
  13. Keurk

    So, what are you wearing? ;)

    I wear L O T of shit i'll lose since i can't get out the debug forest and will clic Respawn :$
  14. Keurk

    Sniper got what he deserved.

  15. i never spawned in novy:(
  16. Keurk

    How to run automatically

    Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  17. Keurk

    Performance Tips/Tricks for DayZ/ARMA 2

    if i use the arma II launcher from spirited machine , and select more core CPU here Uploaded with ImageShack.us Do i have to enter the -winxp command line? or maybe i can check the "XP compatibility mode" on the launcher? (just over CPU cores on the screen)