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Everything posted by AG-D.Wright

  1. Has anyone else noticed this yet? Even with faster running, I'm pretty sure they've made Chernarus plus more like Chernarus minus. Yeah, theres more buildings/towns but the map just feels like its a lot smaller. Running from one end of the map to the other takes a lot less time. Theres really no point in vehicles at this point. Do you think they've just made a smaller version of Chernarus+ during the absence of vehicles?
  2. So, you guys, since it takes a lot less time to get from point A to point B, whats the point of vehicles? In Day Z mod it was necessary since getting around took so long, but now they're not really necessary.
  3. Its a lot smaller. You can literally see Misty Hill from Berezino. Thats ridiculous. And don't give me draw distance crap. The Earth is round.
  4. >Find somebody >Please don't shoot, I'm just trying to survive >Let him go, might even help him out a bit >Find somebody >"FWENDLY! FWENDLY! FWENDLY!!!!" >Shoot him down without a second thought
  5. AG-D.Wright

    New Patch Global Patch

    Shut the fuck up, Atrocity. You hack as well. http://gyazo.com/e68ddda709733ed9b1e5e9f645765cd5 Do you leave your computer, Atrocity?
  6. AG-D.Wright

    DayZ for OUYA?

    Either very ignorant or a troll. Theres no way this glorified android emulator could run this game.
  7. AG-D.Wright

    ~Zelenogorsk Bandit Hotspot~

    I will be exercising this strategy. Thank you.
  8. AG-D.Wright

    Well Idk why?

    If you read the big letters on the store page, you'd see that you shouldn't buy it unless you wanted to contribute to its development. If you wanted a full game but didn't want to contribute, then you shouldn't have bought it.
  9. AG-D.Wright

    Things you want to see in SA updates first.

    1) Unconcious bug fix (Might as well throw it in there) 2) Loot spawns (Been checking apartments and such and barely finding anything) 3) Zombie Spawns (Run through a main city, you won't get any aggro) 4) Status Indicators (We need moodlets for this. Its a medicore idea to have text feedback. If we get moodlets back, don't let them look like they were drawn by a 5 year old.) 5) Ladder Holstering (When holding a weapon and getting on a ladder, it moves whatever your holding out of your hands...I dont think I should have to re-dig it out of my inventory every time.) 6) Sun (I realize the sun is a gargantuan mass of gas being constantly burned through nuclear fission, but I don't think it needs to be that bright.) 7) Zombie AI (It looks like it has been massively improved, but I think they should run?) 8) Vehicles (I've heard rumors they don't plan to re-add vehicles. Please don't let this be true. Repairing things and hunting for the parts was one of my favorite things to do in the mod) 9) Spelling errors (Holding your mouse over respawn and you'll see a text box with obvious grammatical errors) 10) Infinite Pants (Taking clothing off a body can result in taking it off, but the clothes remaining, resulting in an infinite pants glitch.)
  10. Why did they think this was a good idea? You can literally make it from Krutoy Cap to Elektro in just a couple of minutes. A small downscale is fine, but at this level? Absolutely atrocious. Is there any word on this? Is this just a smaller map for testing?
  11. Currently doing some research crossing screencaps in the Mod and Standalone. Will report my findings here. Would be nice if they just confirmed it. I mean, on the Day Z mod website front page it says the huge map is a feature. You don't think they'd scale it down.
  12. I AM talking about the standalone. The standalone's map has shrunk. When I mentioned the mod, I was talking about comparing travel times to the standalone. They would most likely be much shorter. Running speeds have been confirmed for not being tampered with. I know that the map is smaller.
  13. I'm not ducking around. Go on Vanilla Day Z and time yourself. Run the same distance, from town to town and you'll have drastically different times. Times that not even a "sprint upgrade" can cause.
  14. Go ahead and just dismiss it as some sort of sensory issue, but I can guarantee you the map has been downscaled.
  15. I've run into nothing of the sort. I've put hundreds of hours into this game and know (at least the coast,) by heart. It has been downsized.
  16. AG-D.Wright

    US264 Dallas 1 Public Hive Server Thread

    Please refer to every first letter of my first post in this thread. This place is awful; don't play here. The server is dead anyway. Just thought I'd get that out there.
  17. AG-D.Wright

    US264 Dallas 1 Public Hive Server Thread

    Fantastic server, good ping, active admins, etc. Unanimously agreed that its one of the best public hives out there. Coming to this server will probably be the best choice you've made in your day z career. Keep on bumping, lets keep this thread alive. Again, make sure you try coming on TS. If you like the server and TS, try applying for regular on the website. Good luck to you all!
  18. AG-D.Wright

    as50 been removed yet?

    Thank fuck these guns are going. I'll feel so safe in the Humvee from now on. DMR'S SHALL REIGN FROM NOW ON
  19. AG-D.Wright

    Is there any good vanilla servers???

    US 264 up in here.
  20. AG-D.Wright

    Once alive now zombified

    Maf is now known as AG-O.