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Everything posted by AG-D.Wright

  1. I really don't understand why this completely relevant and backed up statement gets so much hate on here. When a program is in it's Alpha stage, it is subject to significant changes and bug fixes. So when someone makes a thread about a glitch and someone says, "Its in Alpha" (Which I've done,) it is a completely reasonable statement. Does the fact that its in alpha mean that its going to be fixed? No, it doesn't. But it seriously increases the chances of the bug/glitch being fixed considering the game is in a time of change and improvement. (Whether the game itself is getting better or worse is up to your opinion, but technologically and code-wise it IS getting better.) It "IS" in alpha, which means that most of it's problems lie in this statement. So I don't see why it gets so much hate.
  2. AG-D.Wright

    Hackers have gone too far

    Tomorrows my 20th birthday, actually.
  3. AG-D.Wright

    "Its in Alpha" Statement

    If your problem is the ignorance of others, then do your part to enlighten. Otherwise, don't waste your breathe.
  4. AG-D.Wright

    Hackers have gone too far

    No, but YOURE beta, brah.
  5. AG-D.Wright

    Hackers have gone too far

    Its in Alpha.
  6. AG-D.Wright

    No Respawn button now? /sigh

    So I guess this means less lag to the servers in general? I retract my previous statements of it being a bad change, then. Though the issue with actually getting stuck and NEEDING to respawn still stands. I'm okay with this.
  7. AG-D.Wright

    Can someone help me improve my FPS?

    Thanks for that, forgot to mention that even the best PCs can lag with this game. Has to do with the code for Day Z, so anything would lag, regardless of hardware quality. So yeah, I wouldn't recommend the hardware upgrade. Also forgot to mention what the poster above said. Theres some youtube vids about improving Day Z FPS if you want to look those up too.
  8. If it goes along with the minecraft model that means we'll be able to buy the full game when its still in Alpha mode for a reduced price, without additional charges when it is complete. If this is the case, then I'm okay with this.
  9. AG-D.Wright

    Well that was fun

    To have glitches in a game in Alpha stage is always the case. So to point out that glitches are going to happen because it is in Alpha is a more than valid statement. Does that mean the the problem will be fixed? No, not necessarily. But there is a much more likely chance that it will considering alpha is a time of improvement and significant change to the game.
  10. AG-D.Wright

    No Respawn button now? /sigh

    I'm at college, so I can't tell if trolling or not. If he isn't and this is legit, it is not a welcome change. Respawn is an expoit when trying to get your favored spawn point, but when you get stuck (Which is EXTREMELY likely in Alpha,) I can say with certainty that more people will be getting stuck without the ability to get out with the respawn option. Better hope some zombies hear your gunshots. And thats another thing, the poster above said "Just let the zombies eat you." I'm okay with this.
  11. AG-D.Wright

    Well that was fun

    I was raiding a chicken coop with my bro and for some really strange reason, in the little side opening that you can enter to get inside a chicken coop, my legs were immediately crushed for no reason. Its the danger of the alpha stage. Stuck myself with some morphine and we were on our way! Never had a 1-hit wonder happen to me though.
  12. I'll gladly pay for it as long as it's reasonable. (Considering it will have a shit ton more content than it does now when it's finished)
  13. AG-D.Wright

    Anyone else having tent issues.

    This. So make sure to check back at your tent locations occasionally. Who knows; maybe you'll get lucky.
  14. AG-D.Wright

    Anyone else having tent issues.

    Its in Alpha.
  15. AG-D.Wright

    Can someone help me improve my FPS?

    Heres what I do -Gamebooster 3 (Cancels out none-essential computer functions that eat up a lot of memory; its absolutely free. Google it) -Close out memory eating applications (Google Chrome & Steam eat a ton of memory up, and I can run Day Z without either of those functions) -Upgrade RAM/Processor (A bit more of a drastic solution, but upgrading your memory and your memory processing unit can increase framerate) After the last patch, I've found myself not having to do these things much anymore (Code cleanup), but this is what I did when I had frame rate issues.
  16. AG-D.Wright

    So I found a tractor...

    You didn't mention that you knew, my apologies. Anyway, try fiddling around with it a little bit. Try it from every angle. I know the ATV has problems in the avenue of being able to fill up the gas, and you have to get at a perfect angle to fill it up. I've been able to get into tractors with ease, but give it a little bit more effort. Just out of curiosity, did you find any gear in it?
  17. AG-D.Wright

    So I found a tractor...

    "Saving" it will make it spawn where you last saved it. If you get into the tractor and look at the top left, you can see what you need to do to complete repairs. If anything is red, you'll need to replace it. If the gas gauge is empty (Completely black,) in needs gas. Also, scroll through and check the "Gear" option. Maybe someone stored supplies in it. Its owner may still be around, so be careful.
  18. AG-D.Wright

    AHHHH ArmA 2 OA Down for Maintenance!!

    Heres the scoop: Its down for maintenance and will be back up soon. You have my beans, good sir.
  19. AG-D.Wright

    Well I just uninstall this POS

    Thats a pretty boring way to play the game. I have the most fun when I'm trying to sneak into a high value building, and can get shot at any moment. Thats the best part of the game, IMO. The competitive aspects such as disputes over supplies/loot makes more immersion. What a boring way to play for you.
  20. AG-D.Wright

    Zombies running indoors?

    Zombies typically start walking when they enter a building. Don't know about hangers though.
  21. AG-D.Wright

    DayZ so F***ing Hacked I can't play.

    Been playing for a week, gotten a lot of hours in (Haven't been playing anything else,) and I haven't come across ANY hackers whatsoever.
  22. AG-D.Wright

    Day Z is soon to be dead

    All your arguments are baseless on the fact that you're assuming things that have not yet come to be. Arma 3 doesn't have zombies, so Arma 3 players will come back to Day Z for zombies. As for War Z, its filled with a bunch of hollow/empty promises at least until they show us something promising. Until then, I don't really think you can claim that the game is going to kill Day Z.
  23. AG-D.Wright

    The reason why we need Hackers

    Altering / Changing code =/= Exploiting, Glitching When the game is finished they'll be able to hack all the same. BF3 is completely finished and it still has hackers. Every battlefield game I can think of, this has been the case. Counter-Strike is %100 done, there are still hackers, etc. Get your facts straight.
  24. Another furfag leaving the community? I'm okay with this / nothing of value lost
  25. AG-D.Wright

    For new people

    When I first started Day Z I had just as much bad luck as you. Being an FPS player for many years, (Including Arma II,) and joining a group of people who've been playing awhile, I've learned the ropes of the game quickly. There are certain strategies about the game that will help you survive longer. You just got to get a bit of experience under your belt. Theres a lot of Youtube videos that give you tons of hints and tips on how to survive for a long while, as well as some funny videos too.