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Everything posted by AG-D.Wright

  1. AG-D.Wright

    US 866 / Seattle 7 (FREE TACOS!!!)

    Thank you very much!
  2. AG-D.Wright

    US 866 / Seattle 7 (FREE TACOS!!!)

    Yup. %100 active. We have a lingor server too!
  3. AG-D.Wright

    Why is the bus so bad?

    An AS50 would take it out in one shot. If you have a makarov all you have to do is shoot one tire. Not really a tank.
  4. You can get it out of the water? I've been in two situations where the bike went in water and was 100% irretrievable, haha
  5. AG-D.Wright

    Close your mouth please !

    Benefit? Sure, they might help them through college, but this country treats their veterans like shit. None of them are given what they deserve. Trust me, I'm not one of those morons holding "God hates soldier" signs outside soldier funerals, but it enrages me that they join the armed forces thinking they're doing it for the greater good.
  6. AG-D.Wright

    Close your mouth please !

    Absolutely not! I know people disagree with me and hey, I may even be wrong. I may have been bashing soldiers, but Its not really their fault for getting drawn into the war machine. Again, I'm not a pacifist and believe war is necessary at some points, but hey, War is on America's agenda and they need bodies. 200 years and 10 major wars? Tell me its not on our agenda.
  7. Oh that brings back a great memory. Two guys driving East of Elektro on an ATV, lit them up with my MK48. I got the driver and my buddy killed the other (Suprisingly) with the L85. It was a glorious moment. Ironically enough from my post above we drove over a bridge and flipped it...Then we shot it until it exploded and continued on our way. It was great.
  8. AG-D.Wright

    Close your mouth please !

    Why would I give away 2-4 years of my life while potentially risking it for the illusion that I'm protecting my homeland? Educate yourself, please.
  9. Drive over a bridge and then say that :D
  10. AG-D.Wright

    Close your mouth please !

    I said "most" of them, but I apologize for that inconsistency. P.S: Keep the greentexting on 4chan :)
  11. You're such a fool. That bike was your loyal friend. He never demanded gas from you, or a complicated engine system, or a gas tank to hold that fuel. All he wanted you to do was pedal him. And now you're leaving him. Deep in the dark woods of chernarus, cold and alone for that whoreish, high maintenance motorcycle. You're a terrible person.
  12. AG-D.Wright

    Close your mouth please !

    Keep lying to yourself; you know it to be true! Uhh, nope! The notion of the Illuminati is ridiculous
  13. AG-D.Wright

    Close your mouth please !

    Everyone knows all soldiers (Well, most of them,) are redneck mouthbreathers who think they're defending their country when in reality they're pawns of huge corporations doing their dirty work for them with the illusion of "SERVING THEIR COUNTRY!! DURR"
  14. AG-D.Wright

    "3rd Person Exploit!" "That's cheating!" Wah wah wah.

    I play in Third Person OUTSIDE of combat. It usually helps me spot loot / Tents / Vehicles better; but when I enter combat (With other players,) I go into first person. Does this give me a grievous disadvantage? Maybe...*Sniff*...Maybe....But I have yet to be in a battle where I think I lost solely because I wasn't in third person. I snipe mostly anyway in combat with other players to begin with, and usually if you cant see someone from an angle you're at, at your sniping position, 3rd person probably isn't going to help much. Bottom Line: Using Third Person to help get items, vehicles, etc = Boss Status Using it to get an arguably "unfair" advantage in combat = Bitch status
  15. AG-D.Wright

    Where to find Helicopter?

    Yup. Best bet is Skalitsy Island off the southeast shore. Its right next to a house on the northern-western most clearing on the Island. Hope that helps!
  16. AG-D.Wright

    Best camp ever.

    Give me the coords please. I'm a member of furfag extermination!
  17. AG-D.Wright

    DMR vs SVD

    You were either hacking or he logged out before he died. You didn't get a headshot. :D
  18. AG-D.Wright

    DMR vs SVD

    I checked the Day Z wiki and the AS50's sound is "moderate." It doesn't sound nearly as loud as the SVD or the DMR in my opinion. But eh. You might be right, wikis can be wrong.
  19. AG-D.Wright

    DMR vs SVD

    SVD's are extremely rare. They do the same amount of damage as a DMR, but have about 200m more range than a DMR. The mil dots are a little bit more complicated to use on the scope as well. One downside is fire rate. Ammunition is more rare for the SVD, I believe, and I don't think the SVD is compatible with NVG's. The DMR shoots faster than the SVD as well. So all in all, Extremely rare =/= Better. It really doesn't; it basically just looks more cool. As said above, the AS50 is better than both. It can get up to 1600m with zeroing, makes less sound than both, does more damage, etc. I'd go with the AS50 overall. (I greatly prefer the scope on the DMR since it has zoom out / zoom in capabilities. Whenever I use the M24, AS50, etc, I feel like the scope is just showing me the pixelated textures of whatever I'm looking at. Feels like I'm always zoomed in too close.)
  20. AG-D.Wright

    It's DayZ and I Know It

    I could make a long thought provoked review of the song, but I hardly think it matters enough. Usually when artists see potential fans that are displeased with their work they go back and look at mistakes or things they could have done better...But, you know, common sense is so rare its a super power these days.
  21. AG-D.Wright

    It's DayZ and I Know It

    Mediocre, Terrible / Nice try though Doesn't mark up nearly to the level of "Shot a man in Cherno" or "Call me Day Z" (Not flaming, I'm criticizing. Learn the difference)
  22. AG-D.Wright

    You know you play to much DayZ when..

    You get excited when you hear another human (player) pop a soda can. You see a bicylce and think, "FUCK YES" You think about what it would be like if the car you're driving / riding in was in Day Z When you get a bit antsy / nervous in large towns / cities When you wish you had a ghillie suit IRL
  23. AG-D.Wright

    How did you kill your first victim?

    I used the best gun in the game. The Leeroy Jenkins, Zombie Dinnerbell, Zombie Horn, or as Arma II calls it, The Lee Enfield. I actually looted one in Cherno and shot some guys who shot another player off an ATV in Novy Sobor. Basically the idiot drove his ATV into Novy and two guys fucked his shit up. When his enemies tried looting the body and tried stealing the ATV, me and my friend lit them up. Having much FPS experience as most people do, its not too difficult to just aim down the sights and shoot. And thats exactly what I did. (Friend killed the other bandit) Bandit kill too! And an ATV! First vehicle and first kill at the same time. Great moment in my Day Z career.
  24. AG-D.Wright


    You can spawn into the wilderness if you get the western-most spawn in Kamenka.