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About Sidion

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    Da ding ding.
  1. My tent is gone. When is it safe to put another one up? I really don't have the patience to constantly run back to my hiding spot because they're gonna get wiped, and enjoy hoarding.
  2. "Hurp, chat can't be removed! I like randomly singing on the side channel, baiting helpless newbs on the outskirts of chern, and constantly asking what server we're on! Derp." Seriously? What the hell did side-chat ever add to the mod that couldn't be achieved through use of the forums. I mean I get arguing for more com options, but acting like side-chat is anything is just dumb. And wasting time to add a feature that anyone could just disable? Fuck that. I'd rather see the dev thing, ya know. Fix things. Are you so lonely because of side-chat? Go get a prostitute. Do you miss being able to link up with other survivors? Stop lying, you were killing everyone you connected with. Because TS exists you should have side-chat? Go get TS. The only argument I can even remotely understand are such; That it's a good tool to alert an online admin that a hacker/exploiter is around. That it's a great option for quick answers to simple game questions. However again, the forums can achieve that goal just fine. And considering if you run the game with the steam overlay, said forums can be access IN game (Without even stopping your casual jog through the forest) I see no problem in removal of side chat at ALL.
  3. Sidion

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    Eh I was playing and ran into some guy, I kept killing him, and yet he just go to lobby and somehow spawn a few feet from his corpse with his kit. Worst part is his body was still lootable. Even headshots didn't work. Eventually became a field of his bodies as he kept trying to reconnect and get the jump on me. Even worse he wasn't trying to be sneaky until maybe an hour into the fight. He was full on sprinting trying to find me and unloading into me with his PDW before he'd log to the lobby and return a few moments later. This needs to be fixed. Quickly considering even swift headshots wont bring these exploiters down anymore.
  4. Sidion

    Crazy Hunter

    * Server this happened on. Seattle 3 - LEM * Time that it happened including your timezone. Between 3:45 am and 4:15 am PST * What happened during the incident. This scum bag was constantly dcing every time me and my partner shot him. Headshots wouldn't put him down as his corpse would fall (and be lootable) but a few seconds later he'd spawn a small ways back from where I'd killed him and attack us again. He started shooting at our car as we were driving. We parked a ways from our camp and somehow he caught up to us. And the continuing fight he kept after us and left for a short while only to return and try again (DCing even more) Not only did he compromise our camp, he destroyed one of our vehicles. It's pretty ridiculous that even head shots don't even put these fucks down. He dies and comes right back. I'll try and provide what else is needed. Edit: Edited to fit format, and to help iron out the facts. Crazy Hunter is the sort of player that needs to be REMOVED. We fought him for over 20 minutes (Close to an hour but I'm not 100% sure of the time frame) of him constantly DCing each time we'd get him. When we'd finally start camping the approx location he'd come in... A few moments would pass and suddenly he'd be behind us and shoot one of us. How do I know it was him? The guy first spoke in direct near the very first encounter. Asking who was there before the first action. A short while later we noticed in the players list his symbol changing from the one that denotes in game vs in menu.
  5. NO One clip, the makarov is already a pretty crap gun, but if you're unlucky it'll be the ONLY gun you have for a very long duration. Ammo for all guns needs to be severely toned down. I find a gun and after a day of survival I will have so much ammo I wont know what to do. Ammo should be just as valuable as food and water. Right now? It's worth little more than bandages.
  6. Sidion

    US 35 (seattle 3) d#mnd hackers

    Some more info, after he chased us for a while he crashed the jet into our truck. Total scum bag
  7. So the last three days of playing have been marred by a game-breaking issue for me. When I am in a certain area or look a certain way my screen will go pitch black, or completely white. The hud is still visible. I can still open my inventory and use gear. I can open maps see compasses, everything. But the game is pure white or pure black. Occasionally after a bit of moving around or looking around it'll correct itself. Sometimes however it just wont change back regardless of what I do or where I am driven if I'm in a car. A respawn will fix the issue, but doesn't stop it from possibly happening again. My GPU is not over heating, I have tried rolling drivers back and updating them. I have changed my beta client up one and down one... Any other ideas on what I should do?
  8. Hmm am I the only person playing it smart and just simply sick of the one-sided firefights? I mean I see so many posts about how "omgawesome" these tense, action packed firefights are. What the hell are you people smoking? Sure maybe if you're running near Cherno full sprint, and some new player or respawned bandit see's you with their makarov it might be interesting... Otherwise there is NO firefight. There is party A) Sneaking around for loot, and party B) camping an area who takes a single shot (Sometimes two) and takes out party A. I've done it before, and I've received it. Only when I am actively seeking allies in game (Which I don't do anymore because the community has become pretty much exclusively pro-bandit and TS/Vent/other private chat servers. You pull out your gun and question the person on their intentions, or you follow them a ways and they happen to peak back at you turning it into a mexican standoff. Yeah those were exciting times, but I think people are really failing to notice how few and far between they're becoming now. Now there is no fear. It's a simple, single shot death, and move onto the next can of beans. I think that if it remains that way, with no real reason to ever consider sparing someone the game will die. How long will someone sit with a full kit and a loaded tent stash before killing others gets old? And how long before the fodder gets sick of getting shot because all the 'pro' bandits know the loot spawn locations and camp them religiously? My suggested fixes? Loot needs to be entirely random, more items need to be found on the Zed, a few (very very few I stress) locations need a random possibility to have a large stockpile of items. Those positions however need to be consistently guarded by a ridiculously large amount of zombies to press groups to their limit. (Also physical barriers that would require some form of removal would be welcome too, to discourage someone sneaking in for the loot.) Fixed loot locations remove any and all sense of immersion, force the action to mainly transpire in specific areas, and offer an unfair advantage to people who haven't taken the time to look up the item spawn location list.
  9. Sidion

    Cheating death through disconnects

    Eh WoW did it right. Put a timer that is instantly canceled by damage/movement/shooting etc. Don't leave a character unattended for 30 seconds AFTER your client closes. Just make sure the person sits there watching the screen for the full 30 seconds. That way if you get shot at you can at least try and run away (Whilst breaking the log off cycle.)
  10. Yeah, avoid coastal deathmatch so you can get killed by a bandit fully kitted and laying prone watching a town with their CZ. I get why they're having the deathmatches down there. At least they have a chance. This 'camping' of loot spawn is just ridiculous. I no longer go into towns I just run wide of them looking for the bandits who prone and just watch the entrances to buildings. I never understood camping in competitive FPS titles, I realllllly don't get it in a zombie apocalypse sim.
  11. Sidion

    MERGED: Night time, darkness, gamma

    I'll be honest as a new player the pitch black night (Which I discovered on my 3rd or 4th night) was pretty rough. Then again that is also part of the allure of it. I also think the idea of flares and flashlights being viable options are only DUE to the night being so harsh. If you made it where all the nights were the lighter more user-friendly versions, no one would ever use flares or risk turning on that flashlight. There'd be no reason to do so, and that is a big mistake imo. If you can't make it at night, it isn't that it's impossible, it's that you've not figured out a solid strategy to contend with it. Hell I pop a flare, toss it, watch the distance for movement. If I feel it's clear I run to it, pick it up and run with it a ways before putting it out and repeating. It's a very very slow method of travel... But in a zombie apocalypse who's really going to be sprinting around at midnight?
  12. Sidion

    Read - Roaming Horde(s)

    Agree'd! It'll add a dynamic element (and a bit of chance) to those raids on towns. It'd make finding secure waiting/rally points for groups increasingly difficult, And it'd give another use for the binoculars. Woo for possible sentry roles in the group dynamic!
  13. Sidion


    We must have been traveling the edge of the forest along the road for an hour. I watched the rear, and every few minutes he told me he'd cover me as I moved up. The two of us were working in perfect unison. He was the point man leading me along this world I'd yet to trek, and I was his cover. Every person that showed up was spotted, and most times we both agreed to hide and let them pass us. It wasn't worth it, he'd insisted. And though he had offered me friendship under the premise of being as 'new' as I was... I knew who was greener. We continued the trek, finding nothing, but hordes and corpses. A few clips for our pistols here, and an empty Winchester there. Finally he'd found the ammo, and requested the empty rifle I'd picked up along the way. "Trust me, next weapon is yours regardless of what it is." He promised me. So reluctantly I offered the weapon. As we entered the next town we noticed a group of three enter a small building, I thought of course, he'd offer the same course of action. Run, but no. Not this time, the rifle in his hands had driven him slightly mad with power. "We can take them, you go first, step in then run out. Bait them for me." He'd wanted me to be a pawn, a tool to be sacrificed so he could acquire their items. "No..." I insisted, there was a better, cleaner way. We'd wait for one to separate, kill him, and take his goods while the others tried to discern what had happened. It hadn't even been twenty minutes of them searching before they came out. Two went down the road to search other buildings... The third remained inside. My companion eagerly trotted into the building, and bangs were all that followed. I'd waited outside to see what the other two would do. They simply fled into the nearby forest, perhaps afraid they were next. As I slowly worked up the courage to enter the building I noticed my friend kneeling over the corpse of the man he'd been so eager to rob. I also noticed the Winchester rifle on the ground. The same rifle he'd convinced me to relinquish. In his hands was an assault rifle, the gun he'd promised to me. "What are you doing?" I asked trying to sound curious, "Pick..." Bang. There are no friends, just enemies we choose to keep close. I swore up and down I'd not kill another player unless I "had" too. A few hours in and that changed quickly. This mod is seriously something else. Just thought I'd share my experience!