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About NovaDose

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  1. NovaDose

    1.06 Testing for Server Owners and Modders

    Agreed. In the previous patch they did that; it was a huge help. I had all my mods ready on day 1 for the patch, and my server was offline and back online with the new files in minutes after the launch. That was only possible because I'd had a week before hand to do all that. If they just drop a patch on us with no forewarning then its gonna be a shit show... They don't have to let us access Livonia files either, just 1.06 as a patch would be enough. I really don't want another cluster fuck like the issue with switching to a new version of BI keys last minute, no forewarning, on the day of the patch like a couple patches ago. It took nearly until the weekend after launch for everyone to update their stuff and that all could've been prevented by simply supplying the server files a few days ahead of time....
  2. Are we going to be given anytime with the server files ahead of time? I'd like to review my mods for functionality on 1.06 and add the new items and such to several of them; but will not be able to test until I have access to the server files. In previous versions we were always given a week or two before launch to do this; but rumor has it launch is planned for this week. Will we get at least a couple days a head of time? Or will it be an all out mad dash to try to update mods after this is launched?
  3. NovaDose

    A few questions about where to start...

    If you open steam then highlight "Library" you should see tools in that list. There you can download the server files and the tools package. Once you have those I'd also recommend downloading notepad++ to edit XML files in. I used this video to help get me going: There are a few other resources kicking around about how to do things like increase (or decrease) specific item spawns or increase (or decrease) the total number of zombies on the server (google is your friend for tracking down that info). Right now I'm kind of in the same boat as you are though; I'd really like to find a video series on indepth mod creation with maybe a simple project that touches all the bases from start to finish. I'd like to eventually get to that point and if I do I'll make a video series like this if there still isn't one. But in the meantime I guess we are going the break/fix route for the time being.
  4. So I've been searching around and absorbing what I can find but still have a few questions about getting into modding and things that I can mod. 1.) Is there a good tutorial that would walk me through creating a mod, packaging it, and deploying it? I've watched the one with editing the init.c and that helps but I'm looking to do more... I've tinkered with some of the xml files as well to adjust spawn rates of zombies and gear so I'm hoping some of the things I want to change (specifically axe wear and fire/cooking times) are similar to that at least 2.) The "more" I mentioned before: I'd like to start by adjusting how quickly the fire axe, splitting axe, hatchet, etc (anything that can cut down a tree) deteriorates when chopping wood. I've been de-pbo'ing several server files and I just cannot find where this would be adjusted at. 3.) I'd also like to double how long a log burns for in a fire and cut in half how long it takes to cook food (specifically on a stick but halving the time it takes to cook using all methods would be great too). 4.) Finally, and this is long term, I'd like to model a pocket watch (so if you know of a tutorial on modeling that'd be awesome), tie the watch to an action similar to how clicking with a compass opens the lid, then have the hands show the server time or, alternatively (and probably preferably at first), just have the time come up in a server message locally to the player. Can anyone give me a little direction on these things? I know I need to be self sufficient but some of this stuff (specifically 2 and 3) is probably very old hat to some of you folks here so rather than beating my head against a wall for the next two weeks trying to figure it out with trial and error I figured I would consult with the pros. thanks for any help!
  5. I've had my fill of the mod; probably have a couple thousand hours in it actually. I really hope its not one of the last things... Seems like they are actively working on it, and we should be getting an update with them soon. Hope its a good one!
  6. Has there been any word on when zombie count will get increased? Pretty much the only thing keeping me from being regular right now. Don't get me wrong, not trying to bitch or anything...the time away has been nice. Seriously though, I miss zombies so much.
  7. Sure fire way to get beaten to death... "I've saved hundreds, reached down to the masses with my helping hand, some call me a messiah, others call me their leader. I smile in the face of evi...woa. Dem shades!!! MURDER!!!!"
  8. Congratulations, you are the problem.
  9. NovaDose

    DayZ 1.8 .Dev Bug List

    In what file and on what line do we make this adjustment? I assume I would have to revert the changes listed below, correct? I followed your directions, THANKS! One weird issue I'm getting now; server time changes all of a sudden with no transition and randomly. Any ideas?
  10. NovaDose

    To Everyone Complaining About 1.7.7

    you must be new here
  11. NovaDose

    To Everyone Complaining About 1.7.7

    Bye. Seriously though, revert back to 1.7.6 if you guys dont like it. If enough people do that, then the game was clearly unbalanced and something would be done. Otherwise, you stay stuck in a deprecating version until you just fall off similar to dude up there. [EDIT] I hope the stand alone is so much harder than this game that in the first 48 hours half of everyone playing rage quits never to return. One day, when the game makes it full release, the kids coming in for the first time will see it as a challenge and step up to the plate; especially after they hear tale about how many people couldn't hack it.
  12. NovaDose

    To Everyone Complaining About 1.7.7

    1. Then why am I fine with the changes. Surviving and thriving and doing just as well if not better than ever...and you're waking up on the beach with a flashlight. 2. Adapt or die. We have to go deeper. News flash: the zombies aren't killing me, they're killing you. The people aren't killing me either, but that's neither here nor there. I've never said I was a better player than anyone, in fact I think I'm average at best. The only difference between me...and say, YOU for instance is that I'm fine with and like the changes and the added "impossibly difficult game play omg wtf" you can't seem to get off the coast. Does that make me better? Well obviously in this light it does. Wouldn't you say? Or does waking up on the coast make you better?
  13. NovaDose

    To Everyone Complaining About 1.7.7

    As far as the bugs go, yeah they suck. Some can be fixed, others will be permanent. Zombies can't run in buildings, that wont change...but people don't complain about it. Maybe you should take a nap, you sound full on mad bro. You need to change up your style of play to be a survivor. Sometimes that means not killing a single zombie in a whole session of playing. Thats right, 3-4 hrs of playing and not firing a single damned shot. You wanted a fast paced game...this is not it. I personally have laid on my belly for 20 minutes watching a building that I knew a bandit was in waiting for the time to kill him. If you're complaining about having to crawl through town then maybe this isn't the game for you? There was once a time when this was the ONLY way to play. I actually agree with everything you said. I know I'm guilty of throwing around the whole "go play COD" and "maybe you should play something else". I know. But I do feel that way. You and I both went through the times where the game just felt too hard; where you died over and over again. Now we're better, now we can survive. If telling people that they are doing it (dare I say) "wrong" and suggesting that they would have a more fulfilling experience with a traditional shooter while at the same time offering them suggestions to keep them alive and keep them trying is a crime then I guess I'm a criminal. Maybe the reason it gets repeated so much is because it's true? And in many cases the other person would be happier playing COD? Also, read above quote Your flies make me smile a little inside...
  14. NovaDose

    To Everyone Complaining About 1.7.7

    You say too many, I say not enough. The difference being that I would easily survive, and you would die... It's not that hard man, you act like its the hardest thing to do on earth. Fuck maybe I'm just THAT DAMN good. All though I highly doubt that. I think that you started playing way after average life expectancy went up over an hour or maybe slightly less. There was once a time when life expectancy was less than fifteen minutes... I'm glad for a return to that. Eventually people will adapt, and avg life will rise...I just hope the devs have the nutts to do this again and knock everyone back down a few pegs. Besides, it helps weed out the run-n-gun players. I think everyone agrees that there are bugs that need fixed, I feel that way too. I also know that people will complain about difficulty, then eventually get over it. I've had to listen to all of this before about how the zombies are too fast, or hit too hard, or i cant find a gun. But I never changed anything about either of my servers (I ran two on two different occasions and people eventually got over it, survived, and thrived. The same holds true here. Obviously you and that guy you quoted are having difficulties. Myself and others in this thread are doing just fine. Perhaps it's time there was an "elite" difficulty or something...hmm Maybe I am you o.O and I too agree with this. I found 4 different choppers recently with just a shotgun and no ammo. I could've been like "you guys are doing fine, keep up the good work". ;) Sure, maybe that wasn't the best way to present the idea; but it's my way and I'm certainly not going to edit it now. this. I dare say IT'S TOO EASY GASP complaining along with the people complaining about complaining yes, i can smell it A squad running through Cherno, shooting up the place, searching through the same hospital that 50 coast noobs have been through in the last hour. You all deserve what you've gotten. Setup a tent, use that to cure yourselves. Me and mah partner get tactical, neither of us are infected. Still alive tonight too, just played 3 hrs. I can definitively say that you need to move on to a different game man because good things are not coming for you. The COD style of play that people had gotten accustomed to was never meant to be. Crawling around slowly through a town with death right over your shoulder thanking the stars that you found a can of beans is not only the origin of this game, but its entire premise and the only thing that sets it apart from games like COD and Left4Dead. Perhaps you would like those titles better?
  15. NovaDose

    To Everyone Complaining About 1.7.7

    Apparently not lol. I just found out that you can sleep in a tent to cure the infection. That said, infection is perfect and doesn't need rebalancing at all.