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About SpiderMonkey252

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. SpiderMonkey252

    Bad version, server rejected connection?

    Well i dont have the cracked one i bought comb. ops. on steam cuz the summer sale, but i still dont get what you mean by enable? Im very new so if you could just be very detailed in what i have to open or do tht would be great thanks
  2. SpiderMonkey252

    Bad version, server rejected connection?

    Um i still have this problem and its bugging me, very much.and btw my dayz is enabled so tht cant be it.
  3. SpiderMonkey252

    Bad version, server rejected connection?

    wow the same thing is happening to me i cant join at all, and i don't have the fake version so what the hell is going on, like i just bought combined ops on steam because of the summer sale , but yet i cant even play because of this bug??