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Everything posted by Mega_Death

  1. Mega_Death

    Bad things you do for fun

    I don't know what to say.
  2. Mega_Death

    Bad things you do for fun

    And remember that mommy said bed time is at 8pm.
  3. Mega_Death

    Banned from a server

    That's true. The longer your in a spawn area the shorter your life expectancy. But it is so lame to sit on a hill and snipe at people who have no way to defend themselves. Some of us just prefer a challenge I suppose.
  4. Mega_Death

    Finding players on the map??

    Depends on the game mode. Regular does show people on the map you've spotted or have fired a weapon when in close vicinity. Veteran does not show a vehicle or person on the map. I haven't driven a truck but I would hope the radar has been turned off. There is no legit way to see everyone on the map that I am aware of.
  5. Mega_Death

    Banned from a server

    Wow, you got skillz.
  6. Mega_Death

    Loot areas

    Helicopter crash sites. They are randome on the map but I've seen more in the center portion of the map.
  7. Mega_Death

    What should i do now?

    Loot what you can if no one is around. Best not to let them know you're there. They will hunt you down if they see you.
  8. Mega_Death


  9. The game is playable for me. I get graphical issues in a few parts of the map. Solution? Don't go to those areas. I would rather wait two more weeks for a patch that properly fixes the issues rather than a rushed patch that creates more.
  10. Mega_Death

    best video ever..

    The game has emotes, it's the dance emote of course.
  11. Mega_Death

    Wy Set up tank traps and Wire?

    Can you disassemble them?
  12. TrackIR and Arma/Dayz with this game is fantastic.
  13. Mega_Death

    Fuck you Bob...

    I'll be able to sleep better tonight.
  14. Mega_Death

    Do Ghillie suits exist

    I found two camo's, one in the apartments by the hospital on the north side of Cherno and the other in a doorway in Elecktro over the last few days.
  15. Mega_Death

    Too many lone players?

    I play with a group of other guys but I tend to lone scout. They may be off trying to repair a vehicle or searching for people camping spwans while I prefer roaming the map. If the action is intense in my area they will move to engage. If a group action is required I form up, but running the map alone brings greater tension to the game. The risk of exploring is an absolute unknown and could make a simple mistake lethal. Is that treeline really safe? AM I being watched? Everything I have is scrounged and brings satisfaction that you are a survivalist that can do it alone without using duped weapons.
  16. Mega_Death

    One thing that is ruining this mod

    But in a sad way Alt+F4 needs to stay in the game due to hackers. It's the only way to save yourself especially if they are dropping you from the sky.
  17. Mega_Death

    Damn Hackers (Video Included)

    I vote for Option B.
  18. No they are not repsonsible. But they must give Admins the ability to identify them. Why should it matter if the server message says "player X killed player y" if it means we can ban cheaters from the game. The DayZ team can and should give that to the game to reduce the instances of cheaters/hackers/scripters.
  19. Looking forward to seein it. Haven't had that happen to me...yet.
  20. Yes there have been a lot of hacker threads. Have been playing DayZ less than three weeks. Never saw a hacker. Last night two friends take fire. They come to realize it's an invisible a'hole that's right on top of them. They can't see him but they can see the smoke coming out of the barrel. They do exist in the game. They exist in every PC game. Server admins need a tool to identify them so they can be banned. Unless someone has abetter solution, the name of the person who killed someone should be added into the server message. The game needs solutions that uses Battle Eye and Server Admins to report hackers.
  21. Mega_Death

    Until duping is fixed...

    Rocket could, but that would mean they would have to wipe the hive. You see, if he took the weapon spawns out of the game today, they are still being duped. It would take a hive reset to remove them.
  22. I can't say that he hacked to get to Spectator Mode, but that's what you're seeing in the video. Spectator mode is found in the original code. May have been a glitch, or maybe added script.
  23. This. People who have never played Arma/Arma2 don't realize some of the bugs have been there from day one. And they will always be there. It's not Rocket or the mod it's the game engine.
  24. Well why don't you shoot Rocket an email telling him exactly where in the code the problem is. I'm sure he'd apprecioate your input.