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tophercook (DayZ)

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Everything posted by tophercook (DayZ)

  1. Keep us posted please, those of us still choosing who to host with would very much appreciate it!!!!
  2. I am glad to hear things are better. I would love for Paratus to post when his server is up and going so we can have a meter stick on how long it takes once it is being worked on!!!
  3. Host Altitude: Example above... PARATUS has been saying all day that he is just looking for an update, yet he has got no response from your team... his ticket is listed, it only takes a moment to say when his server may be ready. Your company seems to have started out really on top of things, but as of late are joining the ranks of HFB. Customer care is key!!
  4. tophercook (DayZ)

    Dayz Sanctuary

    what is the OFFICIAL word on the Sanctuary Dayz servers? If an admin happens across this post I would love to know what the crew feels about these? (ie: grounds for ban from normal game for server host? )
  5. tophercook (DayZ)

    What happened to our server?

    i am assuming they have been temp. banned from hive for running a 30 person server, min is 40...
  6. tophercook (DayZ)

    Silly hackers :D

    NOt sure if any hacking was going on here.. Looks like a legit heli crash with four well geared guyz.. Look how much gear your crew amassed without cheating, remeber it is VERY doable. Three weeks of heli crashes, barrack runs and camp raiding will leave any decent crew rolling HARD.
  7. Hey Great Scott, Min. allowed is 40 slots, I don't believe a set max has been established. Side note: These guyz should learn to communicate a little better with their customers. It is completely unprofessional to tell a customer a product/service will be ready by a specific time and when the time comes and goes to not have tried a single ounce of communication (update???) to the client is quite ridiculous. Small company or not , customer service is KEY.
  8. tophercook (DayZ)

    Infinite knockout clock after respawn

    Try logging out and logging back in ... might fix it.
  9. tophercook (DayZ)

    Easy Solution to Solve Many Problems

    I really like this idea, seems like a very doable solution.....
  10. tophercook (DayZ)

    Easy Solution to Solve Many Problems

    First I voted yes... Second I wanted to address the issues people seem to have with this possibility -- If everyone's character is locked to a single server you will not be waiting for a slot because the server would only except the set number of people *that it could handle* and then would reject any other players. The issue would be figuring out how to assign which characters to which server. (by region, or request??) - If all your friends are assigned to the same server you would not be waiting at all, as said above the server would only except its limit after that no other players could join that server (think WoW..you choose a server and that is it,.... how many times did you have to wait for a slot in Wow?? NEVER) - Servers go down regardless, and as we have seen in DayZ when the HIVE goes down none of us can play anywayz (how is this different?) - This EXCUSE of server hopping due to night is LAME... the NIGHT cycle is part of the experience of DAYz, those of you who choose to run from the dark are (in a way) cheating... how about we grow some balls and use chem lights and flares?? - a backup on the hive would be a great way to stop server side hacking (ie, your server side save has to match contents of HIVE side).. I typed this very fast so will try and review it.. edit it. Wanted to get in on this conversation while it was HOT! .
  11. tophercook (DayZ)

    Preventing server hopping

    So , ghosting seems to just be a part of the game then aye? So frustrating to be an honest player and get into fight after fight only to have fool after fool (or pussy after pussy), Disconnect after being shot or you kill half the crew and the other half logs out so they can ghost behind you or into your camp etc.... absolutely ridiculous.. Samuel L Jackson, JM, Crst, Zeb,this is your warning : we will eventually remember to turn on FRAPS and we will catch you cheating lil bitches on camera... count on it. side note: five of six of these lil girls died during their lame ass cheating attempt last night on US 559, no proof but remember the names, they run together (about six of them) .. video proof will be added once obtained.. sorry for the bitch fest I am fed up with lil girls who can't aim, can't fight, whatever who feel they have to cheat to accomplish anything in game... God only knows if you wear lil pink panties in real life as well...
  12. tophercook (DayZ)

    IMPORTANT: Central Server was Dropped

    How about you get off your lazy ass and go check the dayz data base forums where it list all legal weapons ......
  13. tophercook (DayZ)

    IMPORTANT: Central Server was Dropped

    Tell me this will fix the assholes that feel they have to ghost into a camp when their lame ass attempt at an assault (literally four guyz in a sedan {JM, crst, Samuel L Jackson, Captain} and one guy on an ATV (name not remembered}) is completley foiled because our crew rolls smart... we don't enter anywhere without our snipers keeping an eye out. LOL Anyways , awesome hope it helps with the hacking, BUT now we gotta fix the ghosting, d/cing shit... lil pussies like Samuel L Jackson and his crew just can't resist cheating.....
  14. tophercook (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build

    I have been loving the subtle things in the game and thought I would throw this one out there... Some kind of audible clues when someone has cooked meat in the general area where you are, maybe your character making a comment or his stomach making grumbling noise (even if full) little hints that someone else may be around.... anywho looking forward to the update.
  15. The Bizon SD ,. My partner in crimes kill, but we work as a team and I was part of the killing (which also resulted in us acquiring the murdered's vehicle, a V35... nice truck.)... We both roll with the bizon for normal zombie kills, and have a more powerful weapon in our backpacks ... Bizon is a little sketchy for pvp (low damage) but the stealth aspect really does make up for it... Not sure of the distance probably no more then 50m..
  16. tophercook (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build

    Well I guess I am one of the cheerleaders, the mod rocks.. I am a thirty something gamer and have waited a very long time (started on a vic-20) for something of this caliber, and with this potential to come along. Top this with the allowance (for all of US) to be a part of the alpha process. Keep it coming, I would drop some loot for a polished version of this. There is currently no form of entertainment (that is anyway interactive and electronic), including all forms of cinema , that can even compare in a time vs. money (taking into consideration entertainment value) to say paying $60 dollars for a great game, or even $10 bucks / month... I say make the game killer , the core group will gladly pay (look at what WOW has done...) anywayzzzz... keep it coming, can't wait to see what you throw at us next..
  17. Looks killer guyz.... I have to talk to my buddy but I think we would love in as well.. WE have alot to offer... fully geared with a small camp of our own... we would be giving up our vehicles and camp on our server but would bring what gear we could... Check back shortly after talking with Azzmar..
  18. tophercook (DayZ)

    Kicked for failing to join TS server

    Unfortunately for you Dimadu it is also 'illegal' according to your agreement with the DAYZ peops.... I hear you about the hacker thing and I think having to be on ts, vent, or mumble is a great idea.... less people would cheat if they are in a "room" full of other players.... ! Tough spot, I think I would keep on doing what your doing and cross your fingers that they over look the breach of agreement and see it as a work around for the cheating!!!
  19. tophercook (DayZ)

    HFB Maintenance

    These guyz sound awful. The server I play on had been down all day friday (without the new arma 2 patch), , and now that it is back online it is running like total crap. The server was the best I had found state side that was being run honestly and properly (regular restarts etc...). Unfortunatley I found from the server admin that it is all HFB (his server host). I WOULD STRONGLY SUGGEST ANY OTHER HOST!!!
  20. tophercook (DayZ)

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    Hey Ander and fellow staff... Here is one I thought might be interesting to add in... longest surviving players on a single server (meaning they have not switched servers on their current life/ character).... I know the more I play this incredible game the more I have tended to stick to one really well run server; a good core group of players trying to play fair and honest... has made the game a lot of fun. We all are part of the same forums (run by the server admins) and it is fun to watch videos posted by the "enemies". We tend to all have a good laugh over our kills and deaths, it really adds another element to the gameplay. My partner and I (Azzmar) tend to not loot the bodies of the guyz we know from the forum, we leave the gear for them to come back and collect. (a simple gesture that may make life easier, but they still get the bullet to the dome first!!). ANyways... would be interesting to see length of survival without any server hopping ...
  21. tophercook (DayZ)

    That gun you really wanted? You found it? Well its gone!

    LOL... You guyz are really unbelievable. An alpha is just that, a game in the infant stage, an open alpha is one in which we are allowed (stress marks here <--------) to help in the process of bringing the game to adulthood. Feel blessed that you are actually able to be a part of the process (which usually goes on behind closed doors). Post known bugs and issues, and enjoy the game for what it is right now, today.... in the words of a wonderful hippy "BE HERE NOW"... enjoy an awesome survival FPS first of its kind game (that is FREE , yes you have to own arma 2 co)... Till then hope to see you in my crosshairs, be safe, don't d/c (ruins the game for all of us, try growing some nutzzz instead after all it's just a game!!)
  22. tophercook (DayZ)


    JINX Bubba (pre-98?) Jones...lol
  23. tophercook (DayZ)


    I doubt these guyz are cheating. My partner and I have been playing for a while and recently found multiple camps full of gear, we would take the gear , squash the tents; surprise surprise on next server reset tents are up and all gear is back. This is a current glitch and has nothing to do with anyone cheating. To SOLVE this: remove all gear from tent, SAVE TENT EMPTY.... the tent will pop back up if squashed but will be empty upon reset. The glitch for tents and vehicles is solved by remembering to save everytime any gear is removed or added. Anywho,hope that helps clear things up. I am not affiliated with any of the accused or accuser, nor do I play I the involved server. Hope to see you guyz/gals in my crosshairs... till then play safe, don't d/c you just ruin the game for you and others (try growing some nutzzz,, aye? It's just a game...)