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Everything posted by xWildChild

  1. Me and my friend was trying to get to barazino and in the middle of the woods, I saw something very strange. it was a strange looking tree. approaching it i saw that IT WAS A FRIGGEN V3S Civilian TRUCK!!! at first i thought maybe some bandit around here has placed it as bait, but after around 10 mins of searching the perimiter me and my friend hopped in and drove to Barazino, where we left it cause it was very loud. Ive looked up the spawnpoints and it does only say "In Solnichy quarry." Can veichles spawn randomly? (We found a Crash site earlier aswell! :D) I should mention that this was just after a server restart.
  2. xWildChild

    Winchester Bug?

    Well me and Zheiko are going to test out the Loudness of the Winchester later on.. see if its worth replacing with an Enfield for player defense and HG for zombies.. :D
  3. You are probably correct, but then again, what an idiot would be running around the treelines? :D
  4. AWESSOOOOOMMMMEEE 8DDD If he cant hide it that good, he doesnt deserve it ^^
  5. xWildChild

    Winchester Bug?

    HAHA i know that feeling!
  6. First thing i did, sadly.. it was empty I dont wanna tell you what server, and No, no tents around
  7. xWildChild

    can any one help me with downloads and dayz versions?

    are you using Six launcher? that fixed it for me!
  8. Ya it seems more likeley to that someone drive it there, but i mean, Driving soooooooo damn far just to leave it there.. but then again, why random spawnpoints in the middle of the woods?
  9. Yesterday, in the south side of Berezino, in the apartments. I logged out cause i was low on blood. scouting the forums after someone to be near me, that could help me. A Guy inside Polana had low blood so i told him to add me on skype, and we'll transfuse eachother (Berezino was empty so i found 2 antibiotics, lots of bloodpacks etc) we decided to meet at the deerstand and off i went sneaking from Berezino. When i was almost at the treeline i heard a zombie coming behind me, so i shot it with my winchester, (I think someone heard the shot!) and i kept looking for my new friends deerstand. he said "I See you, turn to your left! (he ment right, but he isnt english speaking and he was hungover so he said wrong) and so i did, then my friend said "No, i ment right" but then i saw something move, so i crouched and suddenly BOOM i got shot, (I had Alice backpack, LOTS of good stuff, ammo for a year, food water, etc) I had no time to react, i was bleeding out quick, i zoom in, but it was still blurry, I saw some movement and pulled the trigger. "YOU ARE DEAD" The screen said. Damnit. I told the guy on skype "Keep my stuff, just dont Die". Thats when i saw when the guy who shot me also got killed. HA! I managed to hit him so that i Either bled him out, or he died from the gunshot itself. WIN! I told my new friend, Loot our bodies, take everything you need and GO! Ill just restart and start gathering supplies again (now that I know how to do it fast, it wont be any probs) But the guy was honorable and said, ill take everything i can carry, I'll meet you halfway and give you back your stuff. When we met up, i gave him my pistol and ammo for it, i gave him his Transfusion and we decided to go and check if the corpses was still there. After a good 1½ hour of sneaking into the forest (That was my first encounter with a player who was out to kill me, so i got paranoid) we came across two tents. That was probably from the guy who shot me, and hes probably not alone, so we continued VERY careful. When we arrived after approx 2 hours, the corpses was still there, a Winchester for my new friend, a new Alice pack for me, (since my friend kept the one i had cause you cant drop bags). Together, we went off to get more supplies and now i have found a survival parter who is dependent and loyal. What are the Odds?
  10. Me and my irl friend was gonna meet up at Tulga, and there is a farm a bit north of there, I was in the farm, looting it (after finding 1 dead body of a noob up at the radio tower north of the farm) and I saw a guy running around with a zombie behind him, so i take up my winchester and aim. I see that he is running with something in his hands. uh oh, if he has a gun and run towards me, im shooting! As he came closer to me, i was about to pull the trigger when i see that its an axe. quickly i kill the zombie behind him and tell him to go upstairs and look at the floor or im gonna shoot him. he does what i say without a response. As he is walking upstairs i can see that he is bleeding. "Look into the wall, and im going to use bandage on you" and i do as promised. when i back up from him he sees a double barrage shotgun. "DONT PICK IT UP, If you touch it, i will shoot you, back away and wait until ive left to pick it up!" And he backed off. Smart kid! I left and as i was running towards the watering hole to my friend i heard a gunshot behind me, and i thought "THAT BASTARD" but nothing happened. i think he was defeinding himself. me and my friend is going to the SE Airfield, and to avoid players we are going north and around from tulga. From Tulga watering hole to Msta. There are several buildings on the way there and they were loaded with zombies even before we went there. When we arrive at the fast in Msta i hear shots, and my mate sees something move in the barn. I shout over voice "STAY THERE, DONT SHOOT, ME AND MY FRIEND ARE JUST PASSING THROUGH" but no response. The barn was empty and we decide to head north to the deerstand and then further west to Staroye. When we get to the DS i hear flies and i see a zombie walking about. I shoot it and look at the DS. there is blood running down from it, as i climb up, the body disappears.. Im sorry noob if we scared you :( we didnt plan on shooting you, we just wanted to pass you by.. :(((
  11. well it didnt work for some reason :)
  12. you saying you dont believe me? ^^
  13. <<<Hello, Im now gonna write what happened to me in character - as if i am the character - of my first two days in DayZ>>> I was walking around in the forest, trying to find my bearings when i spot something in the distance, a huge castle! As I ran into the castle I heard a noise behind me. "What was that???" A man was running, no not running, crouching towards me at a very high speed and I freaked out. Running as fast as i could i ran into the huge castle. Inside I could hear more of these strange dead-alive people screeching for attention, wanting to eat something that could sate their hunger. I decided that i should fight my way out of there so I begin searching for a weapon. But with my luck, I only found some steel cans that were empty. Hungry and Thirsty i decided to run north (or so i guessed) and off i went, with these zombies behind me. Suddenly i run across a sign saying "Ctapoe" <<<I cant type russian letters>> and I saw a huge barn so i decided to hide in it, When i came inside the zombies stopped chasing me and i found a Winchester rifle and some ammo for it. I fell asleep, Low on blood, Hungry, Thirsty and very tired. <<<<I was asking around on the forums for people to come and help me, which they didnt, some even told me to just go and die and respawn, so i decided to make some more exploration to be able to get my bearings straight>>>> When I woke up, it was raining heavy and I ran out of the barn to another sign. this sign said "Waxobka" and over it said "Norha". I knew there was a supermarket in those regions so off i went. On the way i found more villages completley empty except for those mindless creatures that was walking around and never dying. They creeped me out but were fairly easy to avoid. I reached the small city and saw the supermarket, IT WAS INTACT! oh the joy i felt was amazing! Inside i found a LOT of stuff, a tent, an Alice pack, lots of food and water and ammo. Now i needed to get my ass to the hospital in the southern part of "Bepe3nho". The sign told me where to go. I knew this area was full of people that was hunting for people. I got to the town with the strange name and I was the hospital and another supermarket. My bag was full of food and ammo so i just gave the supermarket a quick check, in there i found a watch, map, Compass, binoculars, Knife and matches. Oh that is sooo good! I ran into the hospital and found some bloodpacks, great now i need to find a friendly person to help me! But i was so tired that i decided to sleep instead. thats when i saw another box of medical supplies. I had to drop my tent to get Antibiotics and morphines. I was all set, so off to sleep. << when sleeping, it means i just logged out :P>> <<I was browsing the forums after people who was near who could come and help me, soon enough i found a post by a guy who needed blood, hey i had 4 bloodpacks, might aswell help out! I contacted him and asked him where i was, he was in Polana, injured so i decided to meet him about halfway and then we could help eachother with the blood, so i called him on skype and we decided to meet at the treeline at the deerstand >> When i woke up i had a strong urge to hurry as fast as i could to the treeline. When i was sneaking there i saw a Zombie and had to shoot it or it would have killed me. While i was walking and watching, I saw some Zombies and i felt an urge to turn left, and i saw something in the corner of my eye. BOM! i got shot! the pain was excrutiation and i was bleeding out fast, i had no time to react, I aimed down my sight and pulled the trigger. after that it all went black. << The guy who shot me was NOT the guy i decided to help, he probably heard my shot on zombies and came to kill me, as the screen came up "YOU ARE DEAD" I could see that his name also popped up in "xxx Was killed". the guy on skype was freaking out and i told him to take my stuff and be happy, he then asked if we could meet somewhere and i told him sure. >> When I woke up i was back at the beach. oh no! i thought i could see who killed be if i ran all the way back, which i decided to do. when I found the exact same barn that i slept in earlier, I saw a girl, a Beautiful girl who told me that she saw me die, picked up my stuff and decided to live on with it, she gave it back ofcourse and since she had so little blood left i could heal her, then i shared my items, so we both could have weapons and i got my sweet and trusty winchester back. the beautiful blonde asked me if i wanted to see the guy who killed me, so off we went. We were sneaking around in the woods, trying to avoid the dangerous roads when we found two empty tents. We both got scared and thought "uh oh, someone is here, we'd better hurry!" and we snook away into the forest. After a while the blond heard a gunshot and fell down to her stomach, and i thought she got shot, OH NO! so i hurried to lay down aswell. Turned out that she was just playing dead and i thanked all gods, known and unknown that she was OK. As we made it out to the field i found the corpse of the guy who shot me. Damn him. "You should check his backpack" the cute blond said, and so i did. He had an Alice pack aswell, he had a Winchester (which i gave to the cute blonde) and some more medical supplies. we decided to head back into the town with the strange name and scavenge. << when we got to Berezino I we had some computer problems, his computer lagspiking, so he rebooted and i waited, after a while my graphics card which is OCed got overheated and i had to reboot aswell, by that time he got teleported by a hacker into a strange field with lots of shooting, so he left asap. when i came back we had some struggle trying to find a proper server as most of them were out of patch or similar. we found one and decided to go to the SE Military airstrip. >>> When we woke up, we silently agreed to try and get to a military airstrip for help to escape this island. together we snook through farms, barnes and finally we made it to the coast, following it for a while. When we got to the closest town, we got attacked by a HORDE of zombies and we ran as fast as we could, I shouted to the girl, "I AM GOING TO LAY DOWN HERE, YOU KEEP RUNNING; SAVE YOURSELF!" and she ran, as i laid down, the Zombies just stopped and walked away. "what the f*ck" I thought to my self. then a zombie ran over my leg and broke it. lucky me i packed some morphine with us. i finally found the cute blonde and we decided to head into the hills because we saw something that looked like Cherno ahead of us. after being lost a couple of hours we finally decide to head out to the beach again. When we arrive at the beach i see that what i thought was Cherno actually was the factory north of Solnichniy. "Oh my, you are bad at localizing yourself" She said. "We havent even passed Elektro yet.". We decided it was time to make camp for the day and so now she is sleeping and Im writing this diary. Time will tell what fun adventures we will stumble upon. Ahwell. Goodnight << I had so much fun playing with my friend, we were on skype the whole time and i got the idea to write this down, if it wasnt for the guy who killed me, i would probably just given my friend some bloodpacks and then left, ahwell, thank you, murderous freak, for helping me find a trustworthy and loyal friend! :) >>
  14. Yeah yesterday was AWESOME, I had so much fun! :) The odds are so damn small to find someone trustworthy! hope we can do this again soon :DD
  15. xWildChild

    New to the game and I'm suprised!

    HAHAHA Welcome mate :) If you need anything, help, Bloodpacks, supplies, team up with someone for a while, just ask :)
  16. xWildChild

    will my laptop be able to run this game?

    Arma 2 Free has way worse textures than arma 2
  17. xWildChild

    will my laptop be able to run this game?

    on lowest settings perhaps, with a framerate of 20-40 fps
  18. haha nah, the female textures is horrible, looks more like a lesbian, me and my mate (who is a guy irl) actually came up with the idea of making a lil romance :P
  19. xWildChild

    My name is und3rgr0und and I am new to Dayz/Arma2

    Tbh mate, you need to fight power - WITH power!
  20. xWildChild

    How to get a blood?

    Very well then, do you have skype?
  21. xWildChild

    How to get a blood?

    where are you? if you are anywhere close to the southern part of Berezino i have a spare bloodpack
  22. xWildChild

    New'ish player looking for a group

    Add me on steam xice94 or skype alexicew, im going up North east to a hospital to try and salvage some blood packs! :)
  23. Hey guys. ive been playing for a day and ive managed to scavange up som stuff, but im holing up in a barn near staroye and ive got like 4k blood left, i dont want to die yet, now that i have some stuff to keep me going, anyone friendly with a bloodbag that wants to meet up and help me with a transfusion? I have no compass, nor map.. you can have my steam, and skype so we can communicate easier.. cheers in advance
  24. okay, sure thing, i can play in those hours, will send steam in pm!