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Everything posted by xWildChild

  1. xWildChild

    I Lost my Virginity while streaming

    First of all, i didnt force you to watch it Second, ive been playing for about a week and third, i just wanted to document my first as50 kill :)
  2. xWildChild

    Sniping attracting zombies from 400m out ?

  3. okay, here is the deal. I Got the normal xsplit copy, not bought or anything I can livestream in 1280x720 when i play WoW or BF3 (Both on lowest) and i get a high impact on my fps, So i wonder, how can i livestream DayZ with as much FPS as possible? (what settings etc) Currently playing on medium graphics, but can lower it ofc. Specs: i5 2500k Oced to 4,5ghz HD 6950 1gb 8GB RAM soo.. opinions?
  4. btw im playing on 1920x1080 normally, ive heard that i can lower the resolution of dayZ aswell to 1600x900
  5. I play wow on ultra with 60+ constant, when im livestreaming its about 30-50 on fair BF3 on High with 50+ fps, When livestreaming i play on lowest with 90 fps Edit: Typos
  6. xWildChild

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Ive had so much fun reading this. ERHMAGHERD As someone stated earlier, the fence rattle thingy is the sound that indicates that new Zombies have spawned near you
  7. As title says. Does that mean that someone dropped a replacement (Picking up the spawned gun, and dropping the one they have on themselves) Or is it a bug? Or is it simply possible?
  8. xWildChild

    The first time a zed hits you......

    you immortal bastard
  9. xWildChild

    A few ways to lose zombies.

    the easiest way is to find a big bush or a pinetree and then just lay down under it, afk for 2 mins then crawl away
  11. get a smaller HDD and get an SSD
  12. xWildChild

    The first time a zed hits you......

    I swear it wasnt me
  13. xWildChild

    There are nice people in DayZ..

  14. xWildChild

    My longest life

    What planet are you from? NOBODY likes sardines!
  15. xWildChild

    My longest life

    Yeah hackers really ruins the game, but bugs is.. Bugs ^^ I was at stary and saw someone crawling There so i shot him. After a lil while i get shot aswell.. My friend Then Told me "I SEE HIM, hes got a ghillie suit!" My friend shot him. He got NVG's, a Gun (cant remember which one but it was Pretty loud, not AK, Nor m4a1 or those kinds, more or less Everything he needs to survive.) yesterday he was climbing a fence and dropped down dead. When he returned to loot, There werent even flies..
  16. xWildChild

    The first time a zed hits you......

    He is speaking the truth. no matter what, first hit from a zombie i ALWAYS Bleed.
  17. When you dream about making this thread, get on the forums and see you beat me by 3 mins.
  18. xWildChild

    Problem with artifacts

    or you can double tap - Which is the minus on the numpad, and type flush This will reload the game, without getting out of the server
  19. xWildChild

    Problem with artifacts

    It is like that where there is dead Military people. such as close to the med tents, aswell as barbed wire fences. I Get this every time i enter Novy/stary sobor, cherno, Elektro and the airfields.
  20. Just logging off for today, personal benchmark http://i.imgur.com/djjRO.jpg only 1 of those guys was a fresh spawn :) I love my AKM <3
  21. hahaha xD i hate those people.. Id rather die than live with the shame