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Hefty (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Hefty (DayZ)

  1. Hefty (DayZ)

    Experienced Player Seeking Comrade(s)!

    Added you, I too am looking for some one to play. I'm new to Dayz and playing alone ain't fun at all.
  2. Any one here playing on US? I really would like a buddy to play DayZ with. Sick of giving "friendlies" weapons and gear only to get killed when im not looking.
  3. Hefty (DayZ)

    Looking for dedicated players!

    Hey I too am looking for some DayZ buddies, sick of loosing my epic gears to back stabbers. Add me on steam, :Hefty (Picture of a blue smurf) Where are you guys situated?
  4. Hefty (DayZ)

    Looking for people to play with

    Hey Im new to the game and am quite sick of getting backstabbed, I would love to make a friend in DayZ, Where are you situated?